AgriTech Summit 2022

Agritech Summit is a venue for bringing together the top political leaders, legislators, thought leaders, and businesses engaged in agriculture-related technologies to share knowledge and honor the best practices in Indian agriculture. As the main source of income for 58% of the population, agriculture in India is the foundation of the country’s economy. During the Covid-19 period, the sector was crucial in fostering economic expansion. The increase in rural consumption and record-breaking tractor sales were the key markers of the 3.4% growth of the agriculture sector in FY20-21. But the agriculture industry faces its own special difficulties, including dependence on excellent monsoons, small and dispersed farm holdings, a lack of mechanization, and a lack of funding. To increase production and efficiency, the Indian agriculture sector needs targeted reforms, regulations, and technological interventions. While doing so, corporations, microfinance organisations, and agri-tech start-ups must collaborate closely to find solutions to the practical issues facing farmers. While tractors are the main piece of farm mechanization, the agriculture industry will undergo significant change as a result of new models for purchasing heavy equipment and the application of cutting-edge technologies. The summit’s goal is to discuss the challenges faced and new opportunities in the agriculture sector. 

Nearly 18% of the GDP and 40% of the rural Net Domestic Product in India are contributed by the agricultural sector. Indian agriculture still faces a variety of difficulties despite making a substantial contribution to promoting socioeconomic growth. These include things like low production, climate change, and a lack of financial access. Agriculture was the only sector to have shown a positive growth of 3.4% at constant prices in 2020–21, while other sectors experienced a decline, due to the farming community’s perseverance in the face of challenges.

AgriTech Summit 2022:

  • The establishment of 10,000 new FPOs has started, according to the administration. The price tag on this is Rs. 6865 crore. Of them, 3,000 are now FPOs. The area under cultivation increases and the farmers’ collective power increases as more small farmers join these FPOs. Production rises and farmers may sell their produce for a fair price when there is only one form of farming. The goal of this project is to boost farmer revenue.
  • In the nation, 86% of farmers are small-scale operators with limited resources. The government is attempting to advance these farmers since, if their balance is poor, neither agriculture nor the nation will advance.
  • To help 11 and a half crore farmers obtain income support, Rs 2.03 lakh crore has been put into their accounts through the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana. The government is working on the Digital Agri Mission in terms of agriculture technology so that farmers may contact the government and the government can contact all farmers. If technology increases transparency, all farmers will be able to benefit fully from all programs.
  • Numerous significant initiatives are being carried out to lessen farming difficulties and raise farmers’ incomes.
  • The government has begun the process of establishing 10,000 new Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs). If small farmers join these FPOs, the area under cultivation will rise, as will the farmer’s collective power.
  • The government is also involved in the pulse and oil-seed industries. Both were scarce locations. The amount of pulses produced by farmers has greatly increased. The government is making an effort to close the oil-seeds gap through the oil-seed mission.
  • On a surface of 6 lakh hectares, efforts are being made in the first phase to enhance palm cultivation. The nation will depend less on imports once the palm oil crop appears in three to four years.
  • To enable direct communication between farmers and the government, the government is working on the Digital Agriculture Mission. Transparency generated by technology ultimately ensures that farmers receive the full benefits of various programs. Additionally, the government is supporting drone use in agriculture.

Objectives of AgriTech Summit:

  • Presenting the current world situation, new trends, developments, problems, and possibilities, as well as any consequences for the United States
  • Discuss the business climate, technology, and national and international policy for agricultural, food commerce, and agribusinesses.
  • Sharing successful cases from farmers, agribusiness owners, government agencies, and local areas
  • Offering a forum for the states to brainstorm, display innovations and best practices, and talk about how they apply to other states..
  • Utilizing state leadership and economic might to link up investors worldwide.
  • Praising district-level organisations, groups, and people for their accomplishments, noteworthy performances, and achievements at the district levels.
  • Providing assistance to the States in the form of investments, partnerships, agriservices, support ecosystems, and digital technologies in order to drive growth.

Scope for the Exhibitor in AgriTech Summit:

  • Make connections with planners, researchers, policymakers, bureaucrats, etc.
  • Learn about and see actual examples of the newest technologies and trends in the agribusiness sector.
  • Reach out to thousands of farmers in various industries
  • Examine the state’s business potential.
  • Examine potential agri-marketing and value-adding opportunities.

Importance of AgriTech in India:

  • Manufacturing suite crops: Climate change is a global concern that affects all industries, including agriculture. Climate change has a number of negative effects on agriculture, including an increase in crop diseases that encourage the growth of weeds and pests, a need for more water to irrigate crops, dry conditions, and more. The cultivation of cutting-edge crops that can adjust to the current climatic conditions is one way that agritech is playing a significant role in combating climate change.
  • Plant growth promotion: For a plant to grow and develop, it needs favorable conditions, such as an adequate supply of water and sunlight. By offering nutrients and conditions that are favorable for their growth and development and shielding them from harmful elements, agritech helps plants grow.
  • Improving yield: Agriculture yield rises as agricultural technology enhances the environment for optimal crop and plant production and manages illnesses and other factors that lower crop productivity.
  • Maintenance technology: The development of automated machinery and robotics brought about by agritech has improved agricultural production efficiency by precisely locating nutrient availability, monitoring for diseases and forecasting them, and locating/identifying yield. This development prevents time wastage that occurs with manual procedures.
  • Improving soil fertility: As a result of climate change, the soil is not receiving enough water for it to be productive. By increasing soil fertility, which is better for plant production, Agritech enhances soil conditions and boosts soil productivity.


The Indian agriculture and farming community can get together at the India Agri Summit for the sake of shared business benefits. The purpose of the Summit is to bring together key players in the agriculture sector. For the sake of advancing their respective businesses, the event draws manufacturers, service providers, policymakers, government departments, and institutes. Dealing with businesses from all over the country in one location at once also helps the business climate. For all levels of manufacturing organisations, service sector, traders, and its officials like CEO’s & Entrepreneurs, Senior Executives, Corporate Planners, Manufacturing Managers & Executive, Agents of sector such as Officials from Central State Governments and Public Sector Units from across the country visiting this show, the India Agri Summit promises to hold tremendous significance. India needs to invest its human capital and intellectual capital in the agricultural value chain if it is to become the world’s food basket. Agritech is currently reinventing the Indian agricultural landscape for the twenty-first century.

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