Adobe Interview Experience (Computer Scientist)

Round 1:

We had a detailed discussion on the architecture and HLD of the current project in my present organisation.

  • You are given a set of n rectangular envelopes, where the ith envelope has length l(i) and width w(i) (all natural numbers). You have to create a stack of envelopes which is as tall as possible, but you can only stack an envelope on top of another envelope if the dimensions of the lower envelope are each strictly larger than those of the higher envelope. For simplicity, you cannot rotate an envelope. And, you are not allowed to use multiple instances of the same envelope.

Round 2:

We had a detailed discussion on the architecture and HLD of the current project in my present organisation.

Round 3:

  • Given two characters and their respective frequencies, print any valid permutation of a string of the characters of length equal to the sum of the frequencies. For a valid permutation a character does not repeat consecutively more than 2 times.
  • Design a system (HLD) where a URL is given as input, and in the response the metadata associated with that URL is displayed.

Round 4:

  • Design a chess game (LLD).
  • Reverse words in a sentence. You are not allowed to use loops or length function. For example,
    i am here => here am i

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