Adaptive Huffman Coding And Decoding

Prerequisite: Huffman Coding, Huffman Decoding 
Adaptive Huffman Coding is also known as Dynamic Huffman Coding. The implementation is done using Vitter Algorithm. 


Adaptive Huffman coding for a string containing alphabets: 
Let m be the total number of alphabets. So m = 26. 
For Vitter Algorithm, find a parameters e & r such that 

m = 2e + r and 0 ≀ r ≀ 2e
Therefore, for m = 26 we get e = 4 & r = 10

There are two type of code NYT Code & Fixed Code. 

NYT code = Traversing tree from the root node to that particular NYT node.

For Fixed Code, it can be calculated from the following two conditions: 

  1. If 0 ≀ k ≀ 2r Then the letter Sk is encoded as the binary representation of (k-1) in (e+1) bits. (where k is position of alphabet in sorted order)
  2. Else the letter Sk is encoded as the binary representation of (k-r-1) in e bits.

Tree Updation 
Tree Updation in Vitter Algorithm follows Implicit Numbering. In Implicit numbering, 

  • Nodes are numbered in increasing order i.e., by level and from left to right
  • The Nodes that have the same weight and the type together form a block
  • Blocks are related to each other as by increasing order of their weights
  • Internal Node is represented by Oval shape. Weight of internal nodes = Sum of child node weights
  • External Node is represented by a square shape. Weight of external nodes = Initially 1 and if repeated then increased the weight by 1

Steps for Tree Updation: 

  1. Initialize the tree with the NYT Node
  2. For a symbol is recognized for the first time, the initial NYT node is further divided into an NYT Node and new Node initialize to that symbol and weight = 1.
  3. Assign the sum of the weight of child nodes to the parent node
  4. If a repeated symbol is encountered than weights are updated to that symbol.

Note: During Updation in Tree if the weight of the left subtree is greater than the right subtree, then nodes must be swapped. 


code = "aardvark"
The final Code we get is:
00000 1 010001 0000011 0001011 0 10  110001010
  a   a   r      d        v    a  r     k


For string code = β€œaardvark”, e = 5, r = 10 
As shown in the above image Tree is initialize with NYT Node with weight 0. 

  1. For symbol β€˜a’, k = 1. 
NYT Code = "" (initially tree is empty)
  1. For Fixed Code: As k < 2r i.e, 1 < 2*10, satisfy condition (1) 
    So Fixed Code is Binary Representation of (k-1) = 0 as 5-bit representation 
Fixed Code = "00000"
Huffman Code for symbol for 'a' is "00000"
  2. For symbol β€˜a’ which already exists in the tree. Traversing Tree up to symbol β€˜a’, we get code = β€œ1” 
Huffman Code for symbol for 'a' is "1"
  1. For symbol β€˜r’, k = 18. 
NYT Code = "0" (traversing up to NYT Node)
  1. For Fixed Code: As k > 2r i.e, 18 > 2*10, satisfy condition (2) 
    So Fixed Code is Binary Representation of (k-1 = 17) as 5-bit representation 
Fixed Code = "10001"
Huffman Code for symbol for 'r' is "010001"
  1. For symbol β€˜d’, k = 4. 
NYT Code = "000" (traversing up to NYT Node)
  1. For Fixed Code: As k < 2r i.e, 4 < 2*10, satisfy condition (1) 
    So Fixed Code is Binary Representation of (k-1 = 3) as 5-bit representation 
Fixed Code = "00011"
Huffman Code = "00000011"
  1. For symbol β€˜v’, k = 22. 
NYT Code = "000" (traversing up to NYT Node)
  1. For Fixed Code: As k > 2r i.e, 22 > 2*10, satisfy condition (2) 
    So Fixed Code is Binary Representation of (k-r-1 = 11) as 4-bit representation 
Fixed Code = "1011"
Huffman Code = "0001011"
  1. Swap the node of left subtree and right as the tree is violating property
  2. For symbol β€˜a’ which already exists in the tree. Traversing Tree up to symbol β€˜a’, we get code = β€œ0” 
Huffman Code for symbol for 'a' is "0"
  1. For symbol β€˜r’ which already exists in the tree. Traversing Tree up to symbol β€˜a’, we get code = β€œ10” 
Huffman Code for symbol for 'r' is "10"
  1. For symbol β€˜k’, k = 11. 
NYT Code = "1100" (traversing up to NYT Node)
  1. For Fixed Code: As k < 2r i.e, 11 < 2*10, satisfy condition (1) 
    So Fixed Code is Binary Representation of (k-1 = 10) as 5-bit representation 
Fixed Code = "01010"
Huffman Code for symbol for 'r' is "110001010"



Steps for Decoding: 


  1. Read Binary string
  2. If encountered leaf node is NYT 
    • Read next e bits 
      1. If e bit value < r, Then to get required symbol convert (e+1) bits to decimal value of (e+1) bits + 1
      2. If e bit value > r, Then to get required symbol convert e bits to decimal value of e bits + r + 1


code = "00000101000100000110001011010110001010"
We get final decoded code as
 00000  1   0    10001  00   00011  000  1011  0  10  1100  01010
   a    a  NYT     r    NYT    d    NYT   v    a   r   NYT    k


  • Begin decoding by reading first e bits. So the first 4 bits are 0000, converting into decimal = 0. 
    Now the value 0 < r , i.e, 0 < 10 satisfy condition (1). 
    Now according to the condition (1), convert first e+1 = 5 bit into decimal and add 1 to it. 
00000 = 0
0 + 1 = 1, which is value for alphabet a.
  • Update the tree and add a node for the symbol β€˜a’ in the tree
  • Read the next bit in the given code and traverse the tree. We reach the external leaf node β€˜a’. So the next decoded symbol is β€˜a’.
  • Read the next set of bits given code and traverse the tree. We have 0 as NYT Node. After reaching the NYT Node, read e bits which are 1000. Convert 1000 to decimal is 8. As 8 < r satisfy condition (1). 
    Now Convert e+1 bits in decimal and add 1 to it. 
10001 = 17
17 + 1 = 18, which is value for alphabet r.
  • Update the tree and add a node for the symbol β€˜r’ in the tree.
  • Reading the next set of bits and traversing the Tree we reach NYT node at 00. Read e bits which are 0001. Convert 0001 to decimal is 1. As 1 < r satisfy condition (1). 
    Now Convert e+1 bits in decimal and add 1 to it. 
00011 = 3
3 + 1 = 4, which is value for alphabet d.
  • Update the tree and add a node for the symbol β€˜d’ in the tree.
  • Reading the next set of bits and traversing the Tree we reach NYT node at 000. Read e bits which are 1011. Convert 1011 to decimal is 11. As 11 > r satisfy condition (2). 
    Now Convert k+r+1 bits in decimal and decode the symbol. 
10110 = 22, which is value for alphabet v.
  • Update the tree and add a node for the symbol β€˜v’ in the tree.
  • Reading the next set of bits and traversing the Tree we get symbol β€˜a’ at 0. Update the tree and add a node for the symbol β€˜a’ in the tree.
  • Reading the next set of bits and traversing the Tree we get symbol β€˜r’ at 10. Update the tree and add a node for the symbol β€˜a’ in the tree.
  • Reading the next set of bits and traversing the Tree we reach NYT node at 1100. Read e bits which are 0101. Convert 0101 to decimal is 9. As 9 < r satisfy condition (1). 
    Now Convert e+1 bits in decimal and and add 1 to it. 
01000 = 8, 
8 + 1 = 9. which is value for alphabet k.
  • Update the tree and add a node for the symbol β€˜v’ in the tree.


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