Actors Involved in Blockchain Solution

Blockchain is a booming technology that is used as distributed ledgers for cryptocurrency. Blockchain is a ledger that continuously grows by keeping a record of all the transactions in order, secure, and in an immutable way. Each transaction is treated as a block that is connected to a previous transaction block and so on. 

There are some actors which are involved to develop a blockchain solution, they are classified into 8 types –

  1. Blockchain Architect
  2. Regulator
  3. Blockchain User
  4. Membership services
  5. Traditional Data Sources
  6. Traditional Processing Platforms
  7. Blockchain Network Operator
  8. Blockchain Developer

Note : The order of the actors is not important, they are all done in real-time.

Now let’s understand the role of each actor in blockchain solution deeply,

  1. Blockchain Architect –
    Responsible for architecture and design of the blockchain. Blockchain Architect is the one who is going to design, how the blockchain solution is going to be built. He will figure out what is some information that needs to get stored, what are the transactions and the business logic that needs to be embedded onto the network, and so on.
  2. Blockchain Developer –
    The developer of applications and smart contracts that interact with the blockchain and are used by the blockchain users. The blockchain developer is the one who is going to take what has been an architect and then develop the actual code that will run on the blockchain network itself.
  3. Blockchain Network Operator –
    Manages and monitors the blockchain network. Each sub-work or the business in the network has a blockchain network operator. He also runs the blockchain network.
  4. Traditional Processing Platforms –
    An existing computer system may be used by the blockchain to augment processing. The system may also need to initiate the request to the blockchain. Other systems send or get information that is required to build a blockchain solution.
  5. Traditional Data Sources –
    An existing computer system may provide data to influence the behavior of the smart contract. They are also part of the overall solution to store external data.
  6. Membership Services –
    It manages different types of certificates, which are required to run a permission blockchain. Membership services provide the identity for users to come and transact on the blockchain. For example, if you open an account with the bank, they give you a username and password, a kind of login to access web services, Membership services is going to do more than that not only username and password but also give a digital certificate that will allow you to transact on the network.
  7. Blockchain User –
    The business user, operating in a business network. User experiences the application of that blockchain solution. They are not aware of blockchain. Blockchain user is the one who is going to perform the business transactions on the blockchain, So, these users could belong to multiple organizations that are participating in that blockchain.
  8. Blockchain Regulator –
    The overall authority is a business network. Specifically, regulators are required to read the ledger’s content broadly. The Blockchain regulator is an optional one, they might have only, read-only access onto the network where they see the transactions being performed are legitimate or not, following policies or not, etc.

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