Accolite Digital Software Engineer Interview Experience | Off-Campus

Firstly, I applied directly without any referral so if your resume is good you don’t need any referral. But still, a referral is obviously an easy way to get into the process.

Round 1(Coding Round – Easy-Medium): Usually first round is always technical as far as I know. Idk what happened in my case, so my first round was a coding round of 1 hr with 1 question to solve. It was a graph problem based on DFS. I was able to clear all the test cases in 45 mins.

Round 2(Coding Round – Medium): I was shocked to know about another coding round. I was expecting the interview call after this. But yeah, the second round was also a coding round of 1 hr and 1 problem based on Dynamic Programming on Arrays. I am good with DP so I was able to solve the problem in less than 15 mins with all test cases passed.

Round 3(Technical Round – Easy): This is usually the first round but in my case, this is the third round.

  • This contained normal MCQ problems based on OOPs, DBMS, OS, Networking, and DS.
  • As I learned from other interview experiences you have to get 60% to clear this round.
  • So I was able to get more than 85% and get the interview call after 4-5 days.

Round 4(Technical Interview 1- Medium): This round went for almost 1 hr. The interview basically focused on OOPs, DBMS, Data Structures, and my resume projects. Where 20 mins discussion was on my project. This was the question asked to me apart from my project.

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • About Encapsulation?
  • Overriding vs Overloading?
  • Run-time polymorphism and compile-time polymorphism?
  • Keys in DBMS?
  • Interfaces.
  • Inheritance.
  • Other than this there was one coding question that I have to code while sharing the screen. It was based on Strings, It was easy for me I solved it using HashMaps in less than 5 mins. Then he asked to code the same question 3-4 different variations. I did all the variations with optimal code.
  • As I mentioned one project in ReactJS. And by coincidence, he was working on React and Angular for the past few years. So for more than 20 mins, he asked me different questions on ReactJS. He asked me to change the code on my own website to get the desired result. It was my portfolio which is a working website on the internet. I was able to get through but able to perform very well.

Round 5(Technical Interview 2 – Medium): I got a call after 15 days of the first interview, I didn’t expecting a call as my project part didn’t happen very well. But irony this interviewer praised me for my first interview performance and specially mentioned my programming and analytical skills. And gave some advice to me at the start that we don’t want that you know all the things on your tips. We look more into the analytical skills of a person.

  • This was the best interview of my life. ( I have interview companies like NetApp, EIG, and many others as well). The interviewer was too nice and I’ve never seen that. I was feeling a bit nervous before the interview. But, he made the interview like any other conversation with your friend.
  • This interview happened for almost an hour. Where he asked about SQL Queries, Data Structures, and my internship experience with some other company.
  • He started with SQL Joins, where I have to write the query on a notepad.
  • Query-based on INNER JOIN.
  • Query-based on LEFT JOIN and RIGHT JOIN.
  • Query using a subquery to find some salary.
  • Then he asked about virtual memory giving some real-life examples of the game Need For Speed.
  • Then, he came to the DS part which is the major part of this interview. He asked me 3 problems based on String, Tree, Arrays.
  • The first problem was based on Array. I am not able to recall the exact problem but it was an easy-medium problem. I was able to code the optimal solution.
  • The second problem was based on a Tree where we have to find the sum of Tree nodes on a different level. So, I told him multiple approaches to this question starting from using BFS, then HashMaps, and Then TreeMaps. He was pretty impressed with the final solution.
  • The third problem was based on String. It was a little tricky problem but I was able to give the optimal solution in less than 5 mins.
  • After this DS part, some discussion happened during my internship where I worked in Python and SQL. And he asked about my Data Mining Project (which is the strongest part of my resume).
  • At last, he asked me if have some questions:
  • I asked him three questions, and the third question was about my feedback and the areas I need to improve on. Interviewers are not allowed to tell the result in an interview itself. But my interview was brilliant and he told me to expect the call from HR.

Round 6(HR Round): After 2 hours I get a call from HR

  • This round was just a formality to discuss the salary with me and my confirmation about the Date of Joining.
  • The interviewer literally didn’t ask me a single question. And he told me that you are one of the best candidates we have interviewed. I was like “bss kar pgle rulayega kya”.

Verdict: Selected

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