Accolite Digital Interview Experience for SDE (On-Campus) 2023

Placement Process:

Round 1(Online assessment): Questions based on Java, DBMS, Networks, OS, DSA, find errors, Write the missing code, etc. This test was conducted on Accolite’s own platform Eduthrill. We had to attempt 30 MCQs and 1 coding question in 90 minutes.

Out of 300+ Students, only 28 students were shortlisted.

Round 2(Technical Interview – I): The interviewer introduced himself and asked me to do the same and directly dived into coding / Competitive Programming Questions. duration 60 minutes

You have to explain all the approaches you can think of first and then code the efficient one.

  • Deep copy of the linked list.
  • Balanced Parenthesis
  • I was easily able to solve these questions in 30 minutes so he asked me some theory-based questions.
    • What are Joins.
    • What are trees, etc?

Round  3(Technical Interview – II): Very similar to technical round 1. Again 3 questions + questions on computer fundamentals were asked. This was a very exhaustive round it was between  60 minutes.

  • started with some SQL queries and then moved to coding questions.
  • very easy I say asked to swap 2 numbers without using another variable.
  • any sorting algorithm with code
  • reverse a string

Round  4(Technical Interview – III): Started with project description around 10-15 min and moved to coding questions which seem easy but are tricky. duration of around 90 minutes

  • You have an integer like 237541 you need to find minimum possible number ans is 123457. without using in O(n) and S.C : O(1)
  • Frequency of the elements of the array in O(N) and with S.C. : O(1)  the range of array[i] is always 0 to n-1. where n is the size of array

Round 5(HR Round): Generic HR questions were asked.

  • Introduce yourself.
  • Why did you choose to become an engineer?
  • What are your strengths & weaknesses?
  • What will you do if your team is not able to perform well / below your expectations?
  • How will you resolve a conflict in your team? He further explained to me about Accolite Digital. Told me about different working
  • locations, salary breakup, etc. Accolite offers an internship + FTE Offer. 
  • Any Questions for me?

only 3 students are selected from the college

Verdict – Selected.

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