Accolite Digital Interview Experience for Intern+FTE | On-Campus 2021

Accolite Digital is Hiring a Fresher for the role of Software Engineer(Intern+FTE). The process was started on July 9th, 2021, and ended on July 14th, 2021. There were a total of 5 Rounds and each one was an elimination round.

Round 1(09 July 2021): This round consists of 30 MCQs to be solved within 30 minutes in Accolite’s Eduthrill platform.

  • Questions are related to Data Structures and Algorithms, Operating systems, Object-Oriented Programming, Database Management systems, Networking, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning.
  • The questions were of medium level difficulty.
  • To qualify for the next round, you need to maintain an accuracy of a minimum of 60%.
  • I got selected and got a mail for the next round after 30-50 minutes.

Round 2(09 July 2021): This round consists of 1 coding question to be solved within 1 hour on Accolite’s Codelyzer platform. 

Technical Interview 1(12 July 2021): This round was a technical round held at Google Meet. The duration of this round was 1 hour but it lasted for around 1 hour 15 minutes. The interviewer introduced himself and then asked me to introduce myself. He then started the interview with a normal conversation.

He asked questions on

  • Encapsulation
  • Differentiate between Method Overloading and Method Overriding
  • Inheritance
  • Explain algorithm and the approaches to develop algorithms

Coding Problems:

  1. Problem 1:
  2. Problem 2: You need to print

    1.Odd Occurrence of the number in order of their occurrence

    2. The counting of numbers is regardless of the magnitude

    Test Case-1
    n = 15
    Array = { 10, 0, 1, -1, 10, 7, -8, 9, 
    -7, 2, 9, 3, 8, 8, -9 }
    Output = 0 -8 9 2 3
    Test Case-2
    n = 17
    Array = { 2, -12, 0, 12, 1, 8, 10, -2, 
    19, 7, 7, -7, -19, 5, 2, 0, 12}
    Output = 2 -12 1 8 10 7 5

DBMS Questions:

  1. Normalization
  2. Write a query to print Avg of student marks per age (Eg: 23, 24, 19) with decreasing age,  Table Name – STUDENT Columns are Sr No., MARKS, Roll No, Age, Name

               | Age | Avg. Marks |

               | 24   |        67.8     |

               | 23   |        65        |

In the end, he asked me whether I have any questions for him.

I got selected and got a call and mail for the next round after 30 minutes

Technical Interview 2: (12 July 2021) This round was also held at Google Meet. The duration of this round was 1 hour but it lasted for around 1 hour 30 minutes. The interviewer introduced himself and then asked me to introduce myself. 

He asked,

In the end, he asked me whether I have any questions for him.

I got selected and got a call and mail for the next round after 30 minutes.

HR Round: (13 July 2021)  This round was also held at Google Meet. The duration of this round was 30 minutes but it lasted for around 28 minutes.

  • Self – introduction and went around asking about my hobbies and my family background.
  • The greatest success and greatest failures
  • Where did you see yourself after 5 years
  • Why should we hire you?

Then he spoke about the company for almost 10 minutes. In the end, he asked me whether I have any questions for him.

All the interviewer was friendly and all the interview was very interactive.

Verdict:  Selected


  • Always be strong with your basics and be confident.
  • Don’t be tensed during the interview.
  • Ask doubts and hints if you are not clear.

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