Accenture Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

This is an On Campus Placement Drive that took place in our college. It consists of three rounds as shown below.

Round 1: (Online Test)

Section 1:

This round was an Online test that has verbal reasoning(unseen paragraphs, antonyms, synonyms ).

Section 2:

Logical reasoning, aptitude, and quants.

There was a sectional cutoff to clear this round so you have to score at least cutoff marks in each section to clear this round. Every section is an elimination round so we have to clear the cutoff marks in every round.

Round 2(Coding Assignment):

This round was a programming and coding round. It consists of two coding questions and the level of questions is medium. These all are basic questions on Arrays, matrices, and Strings.

The below is the best point I have observed in my total Accenture recruitment process

If you solve one question you will call for the interview but you are not selected for role and If you solve two questions you will be selected. 

Round 3(HR or TR Interview):

I am giving here all my friend’s interview experiences which I gathered from my friends.

Experience 1:

  •  Introduced himself
  •  tell me about yourself
  •  tell me about projects
  •  what is the key role you played in your project
  •  what conflicts you faced in the project
  •  Any feedback from mentors
  •  what is your least favorite subject
  •  Why Accenture
  • Difficulties faced
  • Have you done any networking industrial projects?
  • A challenge in your life
  • Why did you choose an IT sector
  • Which platforms are used in the IT sector, and Why?
  •  Any new technologies
  • Is Python your own learned or college syllabus
  • tell about cybersecurity
  •  Any questions

Experience 2:

  • Introduced himself 
  • self-introduction
  • project
  • least favorite subject? Why? How do you overcome this 
  •  Did you receive any feedback on your project?
  • How to lead your team 
  • Conflicts in team
  • About certifications and why did you choose these courses?
  • Do you have any network in any institute?
  • What is the biggest challenge you faced in life
  • How did you overcome it
  • How did you divide the project roles
  • what is u r innovative idea 
  • Improvements in the project
  • Have you done any Internships?
  • Failures in life
  • Any questions

Experience 3:

  • Introduced himself 
  • Self-introduction
  • .About my projects
  • What is your role in the project?
  • Did you get feedback on your project?
  • What are the conflicts you faced in your project?
  • About Certification
  • What is your favorite subject?
  • What is your least favorite subject and how did you overcome it
  • Any plans for the final year project and what technologies will you use?
  • Did you help with other projects?
  • During the Covid period did you help any needy?
  • Do you play games(I said cricket)
  • Is there any instance where you single-handedly won the match for your team?\
  •  Any inspirational movie you watched recently
  • What did you learn from the movie?
  • What do you know about Accenture?
  • If you get offer letters from IBM, TCS, and Accenture at the same time which company will you prefer?Any questions.

Experience 4:

  • Self-introduction
  • What are the certifications you have done
  • Explain the project
  • How did you implement it
  • Least fav subject
  • How you passed the subject
  • Fav subject
  • What are you planning in your upcoming project
  • What is your role in that project
  • What do you know about Accenture
  • Why do you want to join Accenture
  • What is the biggest challenge you faced in life
  • How did you overcome it
  • What new technologies are you planning to learn
  • Any questions

Experience 5:

  • Introduction of himself
  • Self-introduction
  • Project details
  • Role performed in the project
  • Number of members in the project
  • Team conflicts during the project
  • How the project was divided into a team
  • Details of diploma projects (if any)
  • Certifications achieved
  • Any notable achievements
  • The personal challenge faced in life
  • Reason for choosing the IT sector
  • Platforms used in the IT sector and reasons for using them
  • Any new technologies learned or planned to learn
  • Experience with learning Python and if it was part of college syllabus
  • Explanation of cybersecurity
  • Any questions.

Experience 6:

  • Introduction about himself
  • Self intro
  • About project
  • About interpersonal conflicts
  • What a good team leader should have
  • Project brief explanation 
  • If u want to execute your project what modifications u will do favorite subject and least favorite subjects
  • As a team lead what qualities should u have
  • Done any hackathons
  • What are the challenges u faced during in project
  • Any questions


section 1 is very easy if you have concentrated on it and pronounce it very clearly.

section 2 questions are mostly available in Google means 50% are the dumps.

Above all are my friend’s experiences now coming to my experience 

So many questions are common to above to me and it includes trending technologies like AI, ML, and Cloud Computing( because I mentioned that I have very interested in future technologies so he asked about those things).

Unfortunately, I have been selected for the role called Application Development Associate and still waiting for the onboarding.

Finally, one beautiful hint is in the interview talk like a pro means don’t stop talking until he says stop.

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