Accenture Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

Accenture conducted on-campus hiring for the role of Associate Software Engineer(ASE) and Advance Associate Software Engineer(AASE) for the batch 2023 in august all processes are virtual and very smooth.

There is a total of 4 rounds and each round is an elimination round except the communication round.

  • Cognitive, Technical (MCQ round)
  • Coding round
  • Communication round
  • Technical + HR round

Round-1(Cognitive, Technical MCQ assessment): In this round, there are 90 questions and 90 minutes, and the assessment is conducted on Safe Exam Browser before starting the test make sure you check all system compatibility tests & give a mock test for all process you will an e-mail so, be active on mail and choose your preferred time slot for round 1.

So, my first round is conducted on 22 august.

  • Difficulty: Easy to Medium.
  • Topics: Quantitative, Verbal, Reasoning, Pseudocode, Networking, Cloud, MS office.

Note: This is an elimination round and there is no any Negative marking.

After submitting the test you have to wait 2-3 minutes. if fail to not answer enough questions you will be out of the process if not you will move round 2 and at the same time, you have to start round 2 which is a coding round.

Round 2 (Coding Round):

  • No of Questions: 2
  • Time: 45 Minutes
  • Difficulty: Easy-Medium-Hard(it can be any level for me it’s an easy level string based)

Note: This is also an elimination round so please try to solve at least 1 code so that you will be qualified for the next round.

Round 3 (Communication Round): I receive mail for the communication round on 25 august. This is an AI-based communication round. It had 6 sections with the varying time required for each candidate to attend each question. The sections are,

  • Reading Sentences: 8 Questions
  • Listening: 16 Question
  • Jumbled Sentences 10 Questions 
  • Retelling Story: 3 Questions and
  • Speaking on a given topic: 2 Questions

The Total allotted time is 30 minutes.

Note: This is not an elimination round but tries to give our best you can give this round any time in the window time I think 24 hours and give them in a quiet room with good earphones and a good internet connection.

Round 4 (Technical + HR interview): So, I booked a slot for 27 august at 12:30 PM. For an interview, you will receive an email to book your interview slot and the interview happens on their platform. If I talk about interviews for me the interview asked both technical & HR questions,

Firstly interviewer ask me to introduce myself then the interviewer introduce himself he has 13+ years of work experience in Accenture and he is in the post of project manager. Then he asked me about my project and he asks some cross questions mostly HR questions on the project like how you decided to do this project, why only this one, whether this project is your idea or any of your teammates, and what if one of your teammate not agree to work on your idea, what are the challenges you faced during the project& how you overcome them. He did not ask any technical questions except about the project.  

  • Duration of interview: 23 Minutes.
  • Difficulty: Easy

Note: Be confident and focus on HR questions & interview experiences.

After 5-6 days if you do not do well you will a regret mail based on your all assessment and interview performance and if not you will receive a confirmation mail along with LOI (what the position they offered to you ASE or AASE, and CTC )and you have to accept that in 4 days if you want to join Accenture.  

That’s all thank you, Best of luck.

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