Accenture Interview Experience 2022

In Accenture, there are a total of 4 rounds, if you clear all rounds then you will be chosen for the role of either Associate Engineer or Advance Associate Engineer

Round 1: Cognitive and Technical Assessment(90 mins): Difficulty level: Easy to Medium. This round consists of 90 questions that need to be solved in 90 minutes.

  • This test includes questions from Critical Reasoning, Abstract Reasoning, Pseudo coding, English Ability, MS Office, Networking, and Problem-solving.
  • There is a cutoff for every section that needs to be cleared to proceed to the coding round. Questions are of the easy level you can solve within the time frame. Just You need to be quick while solving the Questions. This round is just to check your foundation concepts.
  • After submitting this assessment I just need to wait some time and immediately got a mail that I have cleared this round and could start my coding test which is the next round.

You must clear this round to give the coding test.

Round 2: Coding round(45 mins): In the test, there will be 2 coding questions that you have to solve in 45 minutes. In the Accenture Coding Round, you can write coding using this preferred language:- C, C++, Java, and Python. The difficulty level of questions is medium.

  • My first question –fractional knapsack.
  • the second one is the array which can be easily solved by using DP. You have to practice a lot to get a good score on the Accenture coding Questions.

Round 3: Communication Assessment:(20 mins) You are preferred to sit in a silent room with a good network connection and a headset. This round consists of 6 sections.

  • The first section is reading in which you have to read the sentence on screen and the second is you will listen to some sentences on your headset you just need to repeat them.
  • The third section is to give a one or 2-word answers (e.g.- you drink water from a water bottle or plate. ans. water bottle), Fourth section is of rearranging the jumbled sentence.
  • In the fifth section, you will listen to 3 stories in your headset one by one you just need to summarize them in your words (you need to focus on the main characters, events, and places )
  • The last section is of open question round in which you will be asked 2 HR questions. My questions were:
    • Do you prefer wearing a formal dress and looking stylish or wearing a casual dress and comfortable and why?
    • Do you think children should give the freedom to choose to eat their choice of food or should it be chosen by their parents and why?

You just need to be good at expressing your views in this section.

Round 4: Interview: Time: 25 -30 min: After giving the communication assessment round which is a non-elimination round but it plays a vital role in deciding your position and package in Accenture, whether you got the role of an associate engineer or advanced associate engineer is decided by summing up the marks of all the rounds.

  • I got the mail of choosing the slot for the virtual interview of Accenture,then I got a confirmation mail for this and got my login credentials with time.
  • We have to log in before 15 minutes of the allotted time. On the scheduled day and time I log in using their login credentials and got a message to wait in the lobby for some time, After 15 minutes I got a call or joining then I joined and the interviewer also joined the call.

I must say it was more of an HR interview than a technical one.

Interview Questions: At first, he introduced himself and then asked me to introduce myself, then asked me why did I choose to build a carrier in the software branch instead of hardware( As I belong to Electronics and communication background).

  • Then he asked me about my major and minor projects and why did I choose that as my project.
  • I explained bout my project in a brief and then explained to him why I chose that as my project. Then he asked me how did I convince my team members to choose my idea of the project instead of theirs.
  • Then he asked me several more questions regarding time management, how did I resolve the issue of passing the deadline and conflicts between me and my team members.
  • Then he asked me if I was part of any society of my college and about my role in that, about my future goals, and my hobbies.
  • Then he asked me if I have any questions for him. I asked him “Do you think, I need to learn any new skill to work better in Accenture” (It is always recommended to ask questions in the last, Never say no I do not have any question. It gives a bad impression of yours on interviewer)
  • At last, We thanked each other and ended the call.

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