A Journey of Ambition: From Dav Public School to PK Roy Memorial College

Stepping into the world of higher education was a daunting yet exhilarating experience for me, a middle-class boy from Dhanbad, hailing from the quaint neighborhood of Kusunda. My journey commenced from the corridors of Dav Public School, where I diligently completed my Class 10 and 12 from the CBSE board. The education I received there not only equipped me with academic knowledge but also instilled in me a hunger for more.

As I stood at the threshold of college life, the options seemed limitless yet constrained by the reality of my family’s financial situation. Private colleges, with their exorbitant fees, stood as distant dreams, shimmering on the horizon but ultimately out of reach. However, undeterred by the obstacles, I resolved to carve my path through perseverance and hard work.

Amidst the myriad of choices, PK Roy Memorial College emerged as a beacon of hope. Situated in the heart of Dhanbad, affiliated with BBMKU University, it offered a platform for students like me to pursue our aspirations without burdening our families with insurmountable debts. With its reputation for quality education and affordable fees, it seemed like the perfect fit for someone from my background.

The admission process was a rollercoaster of emotions. From gathering documents to navigating through queues of anxious applicants, each step felt like a leap towards my dreams. As I submitted my application, a mix of anticipation and anxiety coursed through my veins, wondering if my efforts would bear fruit

Finally, the day of reckoning arrived. I nervously awaited the results, knowing that my future hung in the balance. When the acceptance letter from PK Roy Memorial College finally arrived, it was as if the weight of the world had been lifted off my shoulders. Tears of joy welled up in my eyes as I realized that my journey towards higher education had officially begun.

Enrolling in BSc Computer Science at PK Roy Memorial College was a surreal experience. Surrounded by peers from diverse backgrounds, I felt a sense of camaraderie and shared ambition. The faculty, with their unwavering support and guidance, nurtured my passion for computer science, igniting a fire within me to excel in the field.

Now, in my third year, as I look back at the path I’ve traversed, I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities that came my way. Despite the financial constraints and societal expectations, I dared to dream, and PK Roy Memorial College provided me with the platform to turn those dreams into reality.

My journey from Dav Public School to PK Roy Memorial College is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. It’s not just a story of academic pursuit but a reflection of the unwavering spirit of a middle-class boy from Dhanbad, who dared to defy the odds and chase his dreams against all odds.

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