8085 program to check whether both the nibbles of 8 bit number are equal or not

Problem – Write an assembly language program in 8085 microprocessor to check whether both the nibbles of 8 bit number are equal or not. If nibbles are equal then store 00 in memory location 3050 otherwise store FF in memory location 3050.

Example –

Assumption – Number, to check for similar nibbles is stored at memory location 2050.

Algorithm –

  1. Load the content of memory location 2050 in A.
  2. Moves the content of A in B.
  3. Mask the lower nibble and store it in register C.
  4. Move the content of B in A.
  5. Mask the higher order nibble and store it in A.
  6. Reverse the content of A by using RLC instruction 4 times.
  7. Compare the contents of A and C by help of CMP instruction. Update the flags of 8085.
  8. Now store FF if ZF = 0 otherwise store 00 if ZF = 1.
  9. Store the final result in memory location 3050.

Program –

2000 LDA 2050 A <- M[2050]
2003 MOV B, A B <- A
2004 ANI 0F A <- A (AND) 0F
2006 MOV C, A C <- A
2007 MOV A, B A <- B
2008 ANI F0 A <- A (AND) 0F
200A RLC Rotate content of A left by one bit without carry
200B RLC Rotate content of A left by one bit without carry
200C RLC Rotate content of A left by one bit without carry
200D RLC Rotate content of A left by one bit without carry
200E CMP C A – C
200F JZ 2018 Jump if ZF = 1
2013 MVI A, FF A <- FF
2015 JMP 201A Jump to memory location 201A
2018 MVI A, 00 A <- 00
201A STA 3050 M[3050] <- A

Explanation – Registers A, B, C are used for general purpose.

  1. LDA 2050: load the content of memory location 2050 in accumulator A.
  2. MOV B, A: moves the content of A in register B.
  3. ANI 0F: performs AND operation in contents of A and 0F. Store the result in A.
  4. MOV C, A: moves the content of A in register C.
  5. MOV A, B: moves the content of B in A.
  6. ANI F0: performs AND operation in contents of A and F0. Store the result in A.
  7. RLC: rotates content of A left by one bit without carry. Use the instruction 4 times to reverse the number.
  8. CMP C: compares the content of A and C. Update the flags of 8085 accordingly.
  9. JZ 2018: jump to memory location 2018 if zero flag is set.
  10. MVI A, FF: assign FF to A.
  11. JMP 201A: jump to memory location 201A.
  12. MVI A, 00: assign 00 to A.
  13. STA 3050: store the content of A in memory location 3050.
  14. HLT: stops executing the program and halts any further execution.

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