7 Warning Signs You Need a Break From Work

You’re stressed. You’re exhausted. You feel like you’re constantly juggling too many balls. Sound familiar? It may be exhausting to do errands, keep up with the ever-increasing mound of clothes, and care for a small child while balancing work. Your brain is whirling with an infinite to-do list that continues increasing by the minute you lay down for the night. If so, it might be time for a break from work. 

Check out this list of seven warning signs that you need a break from work, and check if any of them resonate with you. If so, it might be time to take some time for yourself and recharge your batteries.

1. You’re Stressed Out All The Time

The most standard sign that you need a break from work is feeling stressed out all the time. If you’re constantly feeling overwhelmed and tense, it’s time to step back. When you’re constantly under pressure, your work performance will suffer. You might even start to feel resentful towards your job. If you’re feeling this way, it’s time to take a break. 

“Let’s loosen up some time and take a break to re-calibrate our life. We need no endless over-thinking, though. Let’s connect the dots, set the scene, and steam ahead. On a casual day without a tie.” – Erik Pevernagie

2. You’re Irritable and Snapping at People

It’s common to feel overwhelmed and stressed at work from time to time, but if you’re feeling chronically irritable and snapping at people, it might be time for a break. When you’re overworked, you’re more prone to mistakes – you’re also more likely to get sick, lose focus, and have trouble concentrating. If you’re feeling constantly run down and stressed out, it’s time to take a step back and reevaluate your current situation. 

“Do something nice for yourself today. Find some quiet, sit in stillness, and breathe. Put your problems on pause. You deserve a break.” – Akiroq Brost

3. You Can’t Focus

You might be forcing yourself a little too hard if you can’t focus on your work. It is a sign that you need to take a break. When you’re overly exhausted, you’re more likely to make mistakes, and your productivity decreases. It’s also harder to develop new ideas when you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed. If you notice that you can’t focus or that your mind is constantly wandering, it’s time to take a step back and relax. Go for a long walk, take a few deep breaths, or listen to some calming music – whatever works best for you. You’ll be surprised at how refreshed and re-energized you’ll feel after taking some time for yourself.

“Research shows that we need to take a break and decompress so we can be at our best at work – and at home. Maybe we should ask if the life we’re working so hard to create is fun to live? When’s the last time you disconnected and took a vacation?” – Tina Hallis

4. You’re Sick More Often

If you’re finding that you’re getting sick more often, it might signify that you need a break from work. When you’re constantly stressed, your immune system weakens, making you more susceptible to illness. If you can’t shake that cold or if you’re feeling run down more often than usual, it might be time for a vacation. Even if you can’t take a full-blown vacation, try taking a few days off to relax and recharge. You’ll be amazed at how refreshed you’ll feel after just a few days away from work. 

“When things are not happening as planned, just stop worrying and take an unplanned break to regain yourself.” – Giridhar Alwar

5. You’re Feeling Constantly Overwhelmed

It’s not unusual to feel overwhelmed at work from time to time, but if you’re feeling constantly stressed and pressured, it might be a sign that you need a break. When you’re overworked, you’re more likely to make mistakes, feel irritable, and have trouble focusing. If you can’t stop feeling overwhelmed, it might be time to take a step back and relax. A mental break can do wonders for your productivity and creativity in the long run.

“Is there a place you can go to break away for a little while? If you haven’t yet built your treehouse, it’s never too late to start.” – Gina Greenlee

6. Your Eating or Sleeping Habits Have Changed

It’s no big secret that work can take a toll on your mental and emotional well-being. It’s so common for people to feel overworked and stressed out that there’s a whole field of psychology dedicated to the study of work-related stress. While it’s essential to be mindful of your mental health and take breaks when you need them, it can be hard to know when you’ve reached your limit. That’s where these warning signs come in. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it might be time for you to take a break from work.

7. You’re Having More Arguments With Your Loved Ones

If you’re finding that you’re snapping more at your loved ones or having more arguments than usual, it might be a sign that you’re overworked. When you’re under too much stress, it’s not just your mental health that takes a hit – your relationships can also suffer. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and constantly stressed out, it might be time to take a break from work and focus on your mental and emotional health.

“Sometimes doing nothing makes way for everything.” – Hiral Nagda


If you’re stressed out and feeling overwhelmed, it might be time to break from work. It’s crucial to take some time for yourself and relax, especially if you’re feeling burned out. These seven warning signs are a great way to figure out if you need a break, so take a break and relax.

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