7 Valuable Lessons You Can Learn From Elon Musk

The world witnessed various downfalls in the entrepreneur sector in the past. Some thrived back and some ended their entrepreneurial journey…!! 

But some extraordinary ones developed a chain of innovations inside the world of entrepreneurship. There is one personality, who is famous for not just one but a range of companies he founded and co-founded, Tesla Motors, SpaceX, PayPal, SolarCity, and Hyperloop Elon Reeve Musk is the brain behind all of these companies.

One of the world’s richest men, the one who received a huge amount of money from the United States Govt. to revive his company in 2010, thrived and repaid it, and the icon entrepreneur admired by aspiring entrepreneurs, Elon Musk was born on 28 June 1971.

However, there are various lessons one can get from Elon Musk, but some incredible things he does set him apart from the crowd. From being a kid who was bullied in school for being different and even was hospitalized after sustaining injuries, to the tycoon known for his crazy ideas and their executions, here are the 7 valuable lessons you can learn from Elon Musk:

1. Reading and Communication

Can you acquire a skill that is never taught to you and make something out of it? The idea seems weird. But do you know that Elon Musk who founded a successful private rocket company SpaceX never had a degree related to Aeronautics? Musk finds reading books and acquiring knowledge from smart people is a great way to learn. Relaxing and having fun? Well, Elon Musk’s dictionary is different from yours.

He is an avid reader since his childhood and he self-taught himself about designing rockets and various other things. So, when are you going to start the reading sessions and learn new things?

2. Have Your Own Vision

Some ideas seem like something ‘Impossible’. But if you think, human beings flying, in reality, would be something a crazy thought had the Wright brothers wouldn’t invent the airplane. The same would happen to Elon Musk if he would listen to others and drop the idea of SpaceX after listening to people who called it ‘Daydreaming‘.

Musk is one of the brains behind revolutionizing the financial industry by Co-Founding PayPal. He has been able to do it because of having a clear vision and proper planning. So, when next time you drop an idea just because you or others believe that to be unrealistic, think of this icon who realizes what he thinks. Because ‘no idea is odd or trash‘!

3. A Crazy Workaholic!

It’s in no way possible for anyone to work 24×7. Yet, there are ways to utilize time and devote it to your dreams. People working all the time, are termed as ‘Crazy’ for not enjoying their lives and not celebrating special moments as emotionally as others. Elon Musk ticks the box of being a ‘Damn Crazy Workaholic‘.

As per him, one can achieve success faster than others by working harder and harder. That somewhat sounds like heard somewhere? Remember parents telling you to work hard to leave Sharma Ji’s son/daughter behind to achieve your goal faster than him and you landed up sacrificing parties and events for scoring good marks?

Yes! Musk did it voluntarily to achieve his dreams continuously. So, if you are someone who works hard and looking for inspiration, say “Hello” to Elon Musk.

4. Money is Not an End-Goal

For most people, money is equal to success, and as per their conceptions, who has more money is the more successful and the scale goes on. Did you ever about what these Top rich people of the world think of money? Did they actually dream for it? In the case of Elon Musk, the answer is no!

According to him, a person’s idea should be able to bring a difference for humanity than having a focus on making money. He believes that money is the by-product that will come your way if your idea is efficient enough to solve any issue related to humanity and help people who those products coming out of the idea.

5. You’re Never Done with Achievements

What would you do if you think your entrepreneurial idea is successful? You’ll definitely try to promote it more and more and focus on its expansion? That’s what most people do. But, Musk’s mantra of entrepreneurship is apart from the league. He continues to ideate and executes his thinking.

This has resulted in him being the brain behind a range of successful startups. This is one of the major lessons you must learn from Elon Musk.

6. Embrace the Failures & Befriend the Risks!

Who is not aware of the fact that success has a price and to achieve it, there’s a price to pay? Elon Musk looks at the failures as gaps of improvement and he never shies away from taking risks. And that optimistic attitude and confidence got him a contract from NASA for SpaceX.

“Failure is an option here. If things are not failing, you are not innovating enough” – Elon Musk

SpaceX witnessed several failures and stressed Musk continued to invest in it and believed in his instincts and vision, took risks, and now the company is not the one that an introduction be known. This is surely the best and most valuable lesson to learn from the SpaceX founder if you want to succeed.

7. Learning is a Never-Ending Process

Elon Musk is a learner who takes criticism and feedback as a jewel to make improvements. In order to master a skill, you need to know everything about what you are going to do, the minus and pulls points, the upcoming errors and their ratification, everything. These are all branches of the process.

Musk treats knowledge as a semantic tree. He believes that it is important to understand the principles of the topic you are going to, to begin with. Curiosity is important that helped him be a person who comes up with different ideas.

Now, you understand that there is no stoppage in learning, and rather than blaming the mathematics problem, you need to understand its principles first?

These are the 7 valuable lessons you can learn from Elon Musk. Think what others can’t because that’s what made the Tesla CEO, the personality admired by millions.

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