7 Proven Ways To Curb Your Smartphone Addiction

Our world is digital, and it will be even more online with each passing year. With the progress of our digital world, internet tariffs have reduced, and smartphone evolution has happened. Today, phones are way more than just a means of communicating or talking via calls. Today you can do anything with your phone. 

Nowadays, even if you’re not smart, your phone needs to be smart enough, and it needs to have the correct RAM and processor to support your games, applications, and a whole load of features. Even though it has made our lives uncomplicated, like everything, there is a downside to using smartphones, it gets you way addicted and harms your concentration, production, and of course, eyes. 

Therefore, in this read, we’ll be pointing out the top 7 proven ways of curbing your smartphone addiction.

1. Customize and Snooze Notifications

Notifications are one of the biggest distractions for each one of us. We constantly check our phones to see whether any notification has arrived. Notifications make us glued to our phones. Even if we are doing something else, we always try to check our mobiles once in a while to read messages, play a game, or scroll through social media. If you are really serious about how to stop phone addiction, then start developing the habit of snoozing your notifications. If those are work-related, it’s acceptable to keep them turned on for your benefit. Otherwise, be honest to yourself and turn off the notifications. 

2. Keep Your Smartphone Away While Doing Work

Almost every one of us has a habit of checking our phones while at work or learning something. We check our friends, chat with them, and focus on our activity again. Stop this if you’re thinking about how to avoid phone addiction for a long time. Focus solely on your work or anything that you are doing at present. It can be your 9 to 5 work, learning a new skill, reading something, or even cooking and household chores. The point is it can be anything. Try to stay away from the digital and social media world unless needed. 

3. Delete Unnecessary Social Media Apps

Social media has entrapped us in a virtual world where we sometimes are more present than in the real world. Deleting certain social media apps will help you calm down mentally and be more present in the real world. It will help you get rid of mobile addiction eventually. It will surely be not easy to stay without spending more time on social media in the first few days, but it’s for your betterment. 

4. Use the Traditional Ways

We can do anything with the help of smartphones. Also, thanks to AI and IoT, smartphones are restructuring how we perceive this world. Despite all these, sometimes you need to stick to the basics and the traditional ways of doing the work. Didn’t get it? Let us explain with a few examples.

  • If you have to listen to music, turn on the music system.
  • If you want to read a book, choose a book in the physical form and not the online version, or as we say, ebooks. 
  • If you need to watch a video for any purpose or even for entertainment, try to use a laptop or PC instead of your smartphone. Using a Laptop or PC is still better than using a smartphone constantly. Especially if you have power in your eyes, try this as much as you can. 

There are several other things for which there is an alternative. Resort to all those alternatives for getting rid of your smartphone addiction. 

5. Dedicated Time for Smartphone Usage 

It won’t be practical to stop using smartphones completely. In fact, it’s not possible as we require a smartphone for specific purposes. So have a dedicated 40 mins of smartphone usage time to do whatever you want, be it chats or a bit of game or anything. This will also soothe your mind and restrict your smartphone usage. Moreover, it’ll make you way more disciplined until slowly you lose the smartphone addiction. You may also call this a clever psychological trick to curb your smartphone usage. 

6. Interact and Indulge Yourself in Other Things

Try to interact and indulge yourself in other productive things whenever you feel the urge to use your smartphone. Many of us end up wasting a lot of time as we feel like there is nothing to do. The truth is something else, though. There is always something better to do than spend time on social media and smartphones. We become lazier and procrastinate a lot by getting addicted to smartphones. Spend that time learning something, going for a walk or chilling with friends, talking with your family members, etc. 

7. Change Your Mindset

Change your mindset and thinking process. Try doing something instantly whenever you want to use your smartphone other than work. Try not to be dependent on your mobile for every issue. If you feel bored or tired and need some entertainment, think of different ways where you don’t have to use your mobile for the most prolonged hours. Be present in the real. 

So if you are thinking about stopping your mobile addiction but haven’t made any progress, try to follow these steps to curb your smartphone addiction. Smartphones have been blessing our lives since their inception, but we need to know how to use them in the right way!!

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