List of 7 Continents and 5 Oceans of the World with All Details

The entire Earth can be broadly divided into 7 Continents and 5 Oceans. All these continents and oceans are diverse in landforms and physical features. These continents and oceans are linked to each other by various seas, rivers, canals, straits, isthmus, etc. Continents account for 29% of the Earth’s crust, whereas oceans cover 71% of the Earth’s crust. In this article, we shall discuss seven continents and five oceans of the Earth along with their features and important facts related to them.

Definition of Continents And Oceans

Continents are huge landmasses that may be separated by some other landmass or an ocean. An ocean is defined as a very large water body that is salty in nature and is a part of the super ocean Panthalassa. Our Earth has seven continents and five oceans, which are discussed below:

List of 7 Continents of the World

Earth consists of the following seven continents:

Asia Continents

  • It is the largest continent and has an area of 44,029,797 sq. km which is about 30% of the area of all continents.
  • It is also home to approximately 60% of the world’s population.
  • Asia lies in Northern hemisphere and has nearly 48 countries.
  • Russia, the world’s largest country; India, world’s largest democracy is also a part of Asia.
  • Ural Mountains separates Asia and Europe.
  • The largest city on Earth i.e. Tokyo is also present in Asia.

Africa Continents

  • Africa is the second largest continent in terms of geographical area in the world.
  • Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer and the equator pass through Africa.
  • Nile which is world’s longest river is also in Africa.
  • Africa is called Dark Continent.
  • World’s largest desert, Sahara desert lies in Africa.
  • Africa is home to world’s hottest country, Ethiopia.
  • Most of the world’s gold and diamonds comes from Africa. Africa has many species of flora and fauna.
  • Largest country in Africa is Algeria while the smallest country is Seychelles.

North America Continents

  • It is the third largest continent in terms of geographical area in the world.
  • North America has 5 time zones and lies in the Western Hemisphere of Earth.
  • World’s largest economy USA is a part of North America. It is also home to world’s largest freshwater lake, Lake Superior.
  • It is the world’s largest producer of maize, what, and soybean.
  • Cuba, a country in North America is called Sugar Bowl of the World.
  • World’s largest waterfall, Niagara Falls lie in North America.

South America Continents

  • South America lies in Southern Hemisphere.
  • It is the fourth largest continent.
  • It is home to world’s tallest volcanoes, Mt. Cotopaxi and Mt. Chimborazo.
  • Brazil, world’s largest producer of coffee lies in South America.
  • Amazon rainforests are also located in South America.
  • North America is connected with South America through a narrow strip of land called Isthmus of Panama.
  • World’s highest lake, Lake Titicaca and world’s highest waterfalls, The Angel Falls lie in South America.

Antarctica Continents

  • It is the 5th largest continent.
  • It is the coldest continent and remains frozen throughout the year.
  • The glaciers in Antarctica are largest source of freshwater on Earth.
  • As it is located in polar region, it experiences day and night for half an year.
  • The coldest temperature on Earth -89 degree Celsius was recorded from Antarctica.

Europe Continents

  • It is sixth largest continent in the world and third largest in terms of population.
  • It is separated from Asia by Ural Mountains and Caspian sea.
  • Europe has no desert and was a centre of power during the World Wars.
  • Euro is the currency that is used in entire Europe.
  • Europe is home to world’s smallest city, Vatican city.
  • 75% of the world’s potatoes come from Europe.
  • It also has the World’s largest rail route, i.e. Trans-Siberian rail route.

Australia Continents

  • It is the smallest continent in the world and completely lies in Southern Hemisphere.
  • It is also called Island Continent.
  • It is the largest wool producer in world.
  • World’s largest coral reef system, The Great Barrier Reef is a part of Australia.
  • It is also called ‘Land Down Under’ as it lies completely in Southern Hemisphere.
  • Australia has 14 countries as per UN.

List of 5 Oceans in World

Earth has the following 5 oceans:

Pacific Ocean

  • It is the world’s largest Ocean. It covers an area of 165,200,000 sq. km
  • It is considered to be remnant of Panthalassa.
  • World’s largest trench, Mariana Trench is present in Pacific Ocean.
  • It was named by F. Magellan.
  • Pacific Ocean is also home to world’s largest channel, Challenger Deep.
  • It is roughly circular in shape.
  • World’s largest chain of volcanoes, Ring of Fire lies along the coastline of Pacific Ocean.
  • International Date Line also passes through Pacific Ocean.

Atlantic Ocean

  • It is the second largest ocean in the world and covers an area of 106,400,000 sq. km.
  • It is roughly S shaped.
  • It served as a route for many explorers such as Vasco Da Gama.
  • It touches Arctic and Antarctic Ocean in North and South.
  • The water of Atlantic Ocean is emerald green in color.

Indian Ocean

  • It is third largest ocean in world with an area of about 73,556,000 sq. km.
  • It has been named after a country which is India.
  • Various exotic plants and animal species are found in Indian Ocean.
  • It connected Europe and facilitated spice trade between West and India in ancient times.
  • Water boundary of India extends upto 12 km in Indian Ocean.
  • Sunda Trench lies in Indian Ocean.

Antarctic Ocean/ Southern Ocean

  • It is the fourth largest ocean in world with an area of 20,327,000 sq. km.
  • It is also the youngest ocean in world.
  • It is called Southern Ocean as it is located in Southern Hemisphere of Earth.
  • It was given the status of Ocean by IHO in early 21st century.

Arctic Ocean

  • It is the smallest ocean in the world with an area of 13,986,000 sq. km.
  • It is also the shallowest ocean on Earth.
  • It covers the regions of Arctic circle, northern part of America and Bay of Hudson.

FAQs on 7 Continents and 5 Oceans of the World

1. Which is the largest continent on Earth?

Asia is the largest continent on Earth.

2. Which is the smallest continent on Earth?

Australia is the smallest continent on Earth.

3. On which continent does the Nile river flow?

Nile river flows in Africa.

4. Which continent is called Dark Continent?

Africa is also known as Dark Continent.

5. Which is the largest ocean on Earth?

Pacific Ocean is the considered to be the largest ocean on Earth.

6. Which ocean is S-shaped?

Atlantic Ocean is S-shaped.

7. Which ocean has been named after a country?

The only ocean to be named after a country is the Indian Ocean.

8. Which is the smallest ocean?

Arctic Ocean is the smallest ocean.

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