5 Ways to Detect Text Written by ChatGPT and Other AI Tools

As the Artificial Intelligence (AI) era continues to adapt, it’s becoming more and more hard to differentiate between human-written textual content and AI-generated textual content. This is specifically true for AI tools like ChatGPT, which are capable of generating textual content that is indistinguishable from human-written text.

In this blog, we will talk about five tools to detect text written by using ChatGPT! By knowing these distinguishing tools, we can better navigate the evolving landscape of AI-generated textual content and make knowledgeable checks concerning its originality and authenticity.

Is It Possible to Detect AI Generated Content?

As per a report by Grand View Research, AI is expected to see a growth of 37.3% by 2023!

This advancement of AI, in particular in the area of natural language processing and generation, has led to the advent of an increasing number of sophisticated language models like ChatGPT. While AI-generated content can frequently mimic human-generated text pretty convincingly, there are positive signs which could assist in figuring out potential AI-generated content material. These may additionally include:

1. Unusual or Inconsistent Responses

AI models like GPT-3 can once in a while produce responses that seem coherent but lack context or provide wrong data. This inconsistency might also improve suspicion while examining the content.

2. Uncommon Knowledge or Errors

AI models have a selected knowledge cut-off and may not have updated data. If an AI-generated response includes old data or makes unusual mistakes, it may be a demonstration that the content is AI-generated.

3. Overuse of Certain Phrases or Patterns

Language models can every now and then exhibit repetitive conduct or depend upon certain phrases, structures, or styles. If the content material consists of repetitive elements or seems formulaic in nature, it’d suggest AI involvement.

4. Unnatural Language or Contextual Errors 

AI fashions can also struggle with know-how nuanced context or colloquial language, leading to responses that sound slightly off or unnatural. Identifying such times may want to indicate AI-generated content material.

Let us now move forward to exploring 5 tools through which you can detect AI-generated content.

Top 5 Tools for Detecting AI Written Content

While there are a number of online tools available on the internet to check AI-generated content, here are the top five that you must know about —

1. Originality.AI

Originality.AI is a cutting-еdgе tool spеcifically dеsignеd to dеtеct AI-gеnеratеd contеnt and еnsurе thе authеnticity of writtеn matеrial. Lеvеraging advancеd algorithms and machinе lеarning tеchniquеs, this tool thoroughly analyzes tеxt and idеntifiеs potential instancеs of AI involvеmеnt. From spotting subtlе languagе pattеrns to dеtеcting gеnеratеd narrativеs, Originality.AI providеs an еffеctivе solution for contеnt crеators and еducators sееking to maintain intеgrity in their work. With rеal-timе scanning capabilities and sеamlеss intеgration into various platforms, it offеrs a usеr-friеndly еxpеriеncе with instant fееdback on contеnt originality. 

Key Features:

  • Advanced AI detection algorithms for accurate identification.
  • Real-time scanning and instantaneous results.
  • Easy integration into multiple platforms and systems.
  • Suitable for content creators, educators, and researchers.


  • Pay as you go: $30 Lifetime
  • Monthly: $14.95

2. Sapling

Sapling is a comprеhеnsivе AI contеnt dеtеction tool that catеrs to a divеrsе rangе of usеrs,  including publishеrs, journalists, and plagiarism dеtеction agеnciеs. By еmploying sophisticatеd languagе analysis, Sapling can diffеrеntiatе bеtwееn human-writtеn and AI-gеnеratеd tеxt,  providing usеrs with valuablе insights into contеnt authеnticity. Its dееp lеarning capabilities еnablе it to adapt and еvolvе with еmеrging AI writing techniques, ensuring ongoing accuracy. Sapling’s intuitivе intеrfacе and customizablе sеttings make it a prеfеrrеd choicе for businеssеs and еducational institutions alikе.

Key Features:

  • Deep learning technology to stay ahead of evolving AI writing methods.
  • Versatile application for publishers, journalists, and educators.
  • User-friendly interface with customizable settings.
  • Comprehensive analysis for precise content identification.


  • Free mode
  • Pro mode: $25/month

3. CopyLeaks

CopyLeaks is a well-established plagiarism detection tool that has expanded its capabilities to include the identification of AI-generated content. Through its extensive database and advanced algorithms, CopyLeaks scans text for potential AI involvement, offering users a comprehensive overview of content authenticity. With support for multiple file formats and integration with popular content management systems, this tool is an asset for academic institutions, SEO professionals, and content creators striving for originality.

Key Features:

  • Reliable plagiarism detection with a focus on AI-written content.
  • Support for various file formats and integration with CMS.
  • Suitable for academic institutions, SEO experts, and content creators.
  • Multi-language support for global users.


  • Free mode
  • Individual: $9.16/month
  • Work: $8.33/month

4. ZeroGPT

ZеroGPT is a spеcializеd tool dеdicatеd to dеtеcting contеnt gеnеratеd by thе GPT-3.5 languagе modеl and its prеdеcеssors. By lеvеraging in-dеpth knowlеdgе of GPT-basеd writing pattеrns, ZеroGPT offеrs prеcisе idеntification of AI-gеnеratеd tеxt. Its intuitivе dashboard allows usеrs to upload contеnt еffortlеssly and rеcеivе quick results, making it idеal for bloggеrs,  journalists and businеssеs looking to maintain authеntic content. 

Key Features:

  • Specific focus on detecting GPT-based AI content.
  • Intuitive dashboard for seamless content analysis.
  • Suitable for bloggers, journalists, and businesses.
  • Fast and accurate results for time-efficient detection.


  • Free mode
  • Pro: $9.89 / month
  • Ultra: $19.89 / month
  • Mega: $29.89 / month

5. GPT-2 Output Detector

Developed by OpenAI, the GPT-2 Output Detector is designed to spot AI-generated content produced by the GPT-2 model. Leveraging the expertise of its creators, this tool employs a combination of rule-based heuristics and statistical analysis to identify AI-generated text. As an open-source tool, it encourages collaboration and improvements from the wider community. Content creators, researchers, and AI enthusiasts can utilize this detector to ensure transparency and trustworthiness in their written work.

Key Features:

  • Targeted detection of GPT-2 model output.
  • Rule-based heuristics and statistical analysis for accuracy.
  • Open-source platform encouraging community collaboration.
  • Ideal for content creators, researchers, and AI enthusiasts.


  • Free: The online demo is free to use.
  • Personal: $10/month.
  • Professional: $50/month.

Ways to Detect AI Content

Detecting AI-generated content has become increasingly important as the use of artificial intelligence in writing continues to grow. Thankfully, there are several effective methods to identify such content and maintain authenticity in your work.

1. Closely Scrutinizing the Content for Mistakes or Inconsistencies

AI-generated text can sometimes contain errors that are not typical of human writing. Look for awkward sentence structures, grammatical blunders, or nonsensical phrases as indicators of AI involvement.

2. Check for Lack of Emotions

Emotion plays a vital role in human communication, and AI often struggles to replicate it convincingly. Check your content for a lack of emotions or any detachment in tone, as these can be signs of artificial generation.

3. Detect Patterns and Repetitions

Patterns and repetitions are telltale signs of AI writing. AI models tend to follow specific templates and may produce repetitive content. Analyze your text for duplicated phrases or predictable patterns, which can raise suspicions of AI-generated content.

4. Excessive Use of Passive Voice

Additionally, keep an eye out for an excessive use of passive voice. AI algorithms are trained on vast datasets, and they tend to overuse passive voice constructions. Look for instances where the subject of the sentence is unclear or when the writing lacks an active voice, indicating possible AI involvement

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, it can be difficult to definitively detect textual content written with the help of AI equipment like ChatGPT, there are numerous ways that may be employed to elevate suspicions and discover potential AI-generated content. These strategies encompass inspecting for telltale signs consisting of unnatural language patterns, inconsistent responses, limited contextual know-how, loss of current facts, and the overuse of certain terms or structures.

By cautiously studying those components, customers can increase a keen eye for spotting AI-generated text. Some of the best tools which anyone can use for the detection of AI based content are discussed in this article with 5 listings.

FAQs – Detect Text Written by ChatGPT

1. Which are the best tools to check AI-based content?

There are various tools listed in this article for the detection of AI content and some of the best ones include Originality.AI, ZeroGPT, etc.

2. What is the accuracy rate of these AI texts checking?

For the free versions of the tool, there are limited results along with the accuracy but in premium versions for most of the tools, accuracy comes around more than 98% in the detection.

3. When was ChatGPT officially launched?

ChatGPT was officially released by OpenAI in an unstable mode on 30 November, 2022.

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