4 Steps in the process of Posting a Job

Job postings are the most influential way of talent acquisition since they have the maximum reach and help to get the most relevant and suitable profile. Each one of you must have come across several postings that might have led you to a suitable job profile for yourself. Job postings not just help employees find a good opportunity but also help employers find the best candidate or employee in that particular field. 

This article will discuss the steps of creating a job post that is visible on several different websites and is quite important in terms of making people aware of the vacancies available in companies and also, helps the Human Resource Department in finding suitable profiles.

The whole process involved in the job postings that are visible on the job portals, LinkedIn posts and the LinkedIn profiles of the Human Resource personnel of that organization is quite interesting and takes a lot of effort to finally reach out to interested candidates. We will try to elaborate the whole process in a way that readers connect to it and get to know the HR side of the job postings.

Steps in the Process of Posting a Job

The steps in the process of Posting a Job are as follows:

1. Requirement raised by the concerned team leads or managers: The managers propose the vacant positions or additional requirements in the team to the HR Department, and following this, the HR Department starts the process of posting a job for the positions accordingly. The urgency and criticality of the raised requirement are also discussed with the concerned managers so that the speed of the hiring process can be decided. As soon as the requirements are acknowledged by the HR department and the process of hiring starts.

2. Detailed meetings about the Job Description of the respective positions: The job descriptions play an important role in the hiring process since it is the only document that can give clarity of the job opportunity to the applicants. The job descriptions basically include brief information about the roles and responsibilities of the employee, and apart from that it also mentions the eligibility criteria, which helps the applicants to find a suitable job and the HR to find the relevant candidates. Therefore, the JD works significantly both ways.

3. Posting vacancies on several websites(hirist, LinkedIn, Naukri.com, etc.): Once the Job Description is made, the process of posting the vacancies on different websites starts. A job post usually includes the contact details, like the email id of the concerned HR personnel, an eye catchy headline, a Job Description, and a brief idea about the eligibility, and also, these days the templates are included in the postings so as to attract more people towards the post. 

Before posting a job vacancy on the websites, the following points should be taken care of:

  • Use of templates: The templates for posting a job are usually made with the help of graphic designers in the company. The basic information about the vacancy is fetched to the graphic designers, and they make the templates as per the requirements. The main motive and purpose behind making a template is that “ Pictures are more powerful than words”, and it actually works several times! These templates usually contain important information about the job, such as whether the job is in-office or remote, the location, preferred candidates and an eye catchy background that brings attention to the post. This template helps the candidates to easily figure out whether the job is matching their skillset and whether they need to further read about it or not, which saves the time and effort of the candidates.
  • Timings of posting a Job Description: It is usually observed that certain timings, such as after office hours and weekends are effective to catch heavy traffic on the job postings. Although several factors are considered in order to increase the reach of the post, the timings for the job postings should also be kept in mind since it helps to expand the reach exponentially.
  • Use of hashtags: Hashtags that are related to the respective job posting should be used efficiently and smartly in order to gain a lot of visibility for the post. Especially, trending hashtags are very important for the post to get noticed among people and interested candidates.

4. Screening Candidates:  Once these job postings are done on the above-mentioned websites, the applications start coming, and the process of screening the candidates gets started. Although all the websites play quite a significant role in this process, LinkedIn is where usually most candidates apply. Either they comment on the job postings, DM their resumes or email their resumes to the HR person who posted the job. LinkedIn is therefore gaining a lot of popularity in terms of professional usage these days.

Job postings are a quite crucial part of hiring, which makes it receive the utmost attention by the hiring team for any vacancy that comes up in the organization. Also, it is important to check the job postings thoroughly before applying to it as it becomes easier for both candidate and recruiter to find a suitable opportunity and employee, respectively. Therefore, it can be said that releasing a job posting requires effort from a lot of people from different domains and fields, which makes it even more creative and interesting!

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