12 Smart Micro Habits To Boost Your Day

Well, by opening this post you have taken the first step towards success. After all, success is the product of daily habits – not once-in-a-lifetime transformations.

Did you know that the littlest things you do daily can become your habits? So you see, it is no rocket science to build habits. You can start by working on things that will take you less than five minutes but can result in some of the major transformations in the longer run. All you need is patience and persistence. 

James Clear in his famous book, Atomic Habits, writes, “The difference a tiny improvement can make over time is astounding.”

Let’s take you through 12 of the most valuable and rewarding micro-habits:

1. Create a Morning Ritual

Morning rituals help you get started well!

Think of a thing that makes you feel good about yourself. It could be anything. Start by saying a cheery hello/good morning to yourself. Or just make your bed and accomplish the first task of the day to welcome your future self in a safe and comfortable space at the end of the day.

2. Drink a Glass of Water Every Hour

Simple? Staying hydrated all through the day makes you feel energized.

According to researchers, drinking enough water helps reduce severe headaches and tension in the body. Besides, people who sit at their desks all day are prone to gain weight. Water helps fight that issue too!

Always keep a bottle or glass of water where you can see it. It is easier for your sensory organs to order the brain to take desired actions.

3. Declutter Your Workspace

It is easier to find things in the right places. Therefore, decluttering helps increase productivity. Additionally, when you work in tidy work areas, your mind feels relaxed and at peace. This is how you give our brain room for creativity and experimentation.

Even if you have a decluttered desk, always use a cloth/tissue to clean your desk daily. This clears away the tiny dust particles and gives a fresh look to your workspace.

4. Put Reminders on Google Calendar

Your brain works 24/7, 365 days on projects, ideas, assignments, planning, and whatnot. It is practically impossible for your brain to memorize everything. You cannot dump random numbers, meeting times, or birthday dates when your brain has so much to do already.

Use technology for putting up reminders for events, tasks, or any other thing you want a reminder for.

5. Fill a Bowl of Veggies and Fruits

This is something you already know. Consuming green leafy vegetables and fruits daily will make your immune system stronger. Your body is the only vehicle that would help you achieve the bigger dreams that you dream of daily.

Start small. Add one veggie to every meal that you have. Prepare a bowl of your favorite fruit and have it before lunch.

6. Grab a New Book

Picking up a book takes less than 2 minutes yet most people are unable to make time for it. Books can open doors to new worlds in ways you can never imagine. Apart from enhancing your vocabulary, reading exercises the brain and helps reduce stress. So, pick up a book, open it, read a page or two, and learn something new each day.

7. Activate Your Do Not Disturb Mode

It takes a second to put your devices in “do not disturb” mode. However, it can be a little tricky to put your mind and body in DND mode. To make the most out of your productive hours, make it a habit to give undivided attention to every task you take up.

Instead of juggling between several tasks simultaneously, finish one first in time then move to the next.

8. Invest Religiously

Investing is usually associated with money-related matters. However, think for a moment and see what all you have to invest. Other than money, you invest your time and attention in almost everything you do.

So, before you invest in these two things, think for 2 minutes. Give your time to things/people you value and your attention to ideas/problems that matter to you.

9. Unroll Your Yoga Mat

You are not asked to exercise daily, but to unroll your yoga mat. You can also just change into your workout clothes. It will take you less than 2 minutes but you will get into the mood to perform the task. After all, you’re not going to unroll your yoga mat just to sit on it and scroll on social media!

Hence, by setting the right environment you make it easier for a habit to develop.

10. Pick Up a Diary

Having a pocket diary or journal makes it easier to track your growth and achieve set goals. Besides, research shows that writing down your thoughts helps reduce stress and gives a sense of direction. You can prepare a to-do list the night before and start your day with all the tasks listed for you.

Moreover, diary writing can also help build self-confidence and communication skills.

11. Pause Before You React

It’s a great habit to take a moment before reacting to anything. Wise people pause, take their time to reflect, and then reply to the question/problem/idea posed in front of them. Mindfulness helps in analyzing the situation objectively and reacting appropriately.

Hence, pause for a couple of seconds every time you are asked something. It is a simple yet effective habit that will reap numerous benefits in the longer run.

12. Express Gratitude

Start and end your day by expressing gratitude to yourself, the universe, your loved ones, and to all those who helped you make your day worth living. It might sound absurd to many, but it is a way to stay grounded. This habit will keep you calm at the start as well as the end of a long day.

Building habits might seem difficult to you at present. But understand that all you need is a little change in perspective.

Build identity-based habits. That is, work on “who” you want to become rather than “what” you want to achieve. By waking up early, you want to become an early riser. By reading daily you want to become a reader. So, live the life of the person you want to become!

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