10 Strangest Anime Weapons That Are Surprisingly Powerful

The world of anime is filled with strange weapons, weird even. From the spear of Longinus from Evangelion to hyper-density seals from My Hero Academia, anime is filled with some of the strangest, most innovative, and most extremely powerful weapons in fiction. Anime is very versatile when it comes to its stories, characters, plots, and weaponry.

Due to its weirdness, a lot of unconventional objects, animals, and insects have been turned into weapons in the world of anime. The best part is that it makes sense; it’s not just used as a prop that our heroes use, but their weapons reflect them and their motivations as well as their characters. Well, here is the list of the top ten strangest anime weapons that are surprisingly powerful.

10 Strangest Anime Weapons That Are Surprisingly Powerful

Here is the list of the 10 strongest anime weapons that are very powerful and have special capabilities to defend anyone.

Table of Content

  • 10. The Spear of Longinus
  • 9. The Cross Punisher
  • 8. Lassoo
  • 7. Kagura’s Fan
  • 6. Blinky
  • 5. Capture Cloth
  • 4. Killua’s Yo-Yos
  • 3. Disciplinary Rulebooks
  • 2. Haruko’s Bass Guitar
  • 1. Hyper-Density Seals

10. The Spear of Longinus

Also Known As: Holy Lance

Featured in: Neon Genesis Evangelion

Creator: Hideko Anno

Abilities: Break EVA’s ATs, shapeshifting, living being, conscience

The Spear of Longinus from Evangelion is an alien bident (two-headed spear), shaped like a helix. It was found in Antarctica, where it had landed in ancient times. The spear has the power to break EVA’s AT’s, as seen during the fight with the angel Arael. The spear is a living being and has the ability to shapeshift. The Spear of Longinus is older than the human race. It is one of the coolest designs used for a weapon in any anime, and maybe the best design on this list.

The spear is named after a real-life artifact, also called the “Spear of Longinus,” which was used by a Roman soldier to pierce Jesus Christ on the cross. Well, unlike the spear from the anime, the real spear is a normal javelin used by ancient Roman soldiers.

The design of this bident is extremely cool, with the red intertwined helix shape that is tightened at the neck and parted into two long tines to make the weapon. While the design is great, it isn’t the most creative on the list, which is why it lands at number 10 on the list.

9. The Cross Punisher

Also Known As: Nicholas The Punisher

Featured in: Trigun

Creator: Yasuhiro Nightow

Abilities: Shield, shoots bullets and beams, heavy and bulky

From one Christian name to another Christian imagery The Cross Punisher is the signature weapon of Nicholas Wolfland; it’s a tri-gun that can shoot from a bullet to a beam. It’s said to be extremely heavy and bulky. The weapon can not only be used to attack but also to shield yourself. Now, it’s an extremely rare weapon and has been seen used by very few in the Trigun Stampede universe.

8. Lassoo

Featured in: One Piece

Creator: Eiichiro Oda

Abilities: Devil fruit eater- Zoan-type devil fruit named Inu Inu no Mi, bazooka gun, Cannonball

Is it a dog? Is it a gun? It’s Lassoo from One Piece, one of my favorite anime. Lassoo was a bazooka that ate dog-dog fruit; how did a gun eat fruit? We don’t know; we have no idea; only Oda knows. The dog-gun belongs to Mr. 4. This part Dachshund, part Bazooka, dreams of becoming a tank one day. The dog-dog fruit gives Lassoo the ability to move, to have a personality, and to shoot on his own.

7. Kagura’s Fan

Featured in: Inuyasha

Creator: Rumiko Takahasi

Abilities: Air manipulation, air blade creations, “dance of the dead.”

Kagura from Inuyasha owns a fan that is one of the coolest weapons to ever bless the anime sphere. Not only is this weapon unique and creative, but it also complements her character very well. Kagura is a sorceress of the wind in the anime, and that is why she owns this fan that helps her create wind-based attacks. Using this fan, she can create blades of wind or even a tornado, or tornadoes.

But the most powerful attack she has is called the “Dance of the Dead,” which is basically a dance that enables her to reanimate dead people using wind. Kagura isn’t exactly someone who will fight directly, so she owns a fan that helps her create strong winds and keep distance from her opponent.

6. Blinky

Featured in: Hunter x Hunter

Creator: Yoshihiro Togashi

Abilities: Sucks enemy’s blood out of their body, appears out of thin air

Now, from a fan, we move on to a vacuum cleaner. I told you in the anime verse that anything can be a weapon. Blinky is a vacuum cleaner used by Shizuku, a phantom troupe member and a nen user, a conjurer. She summons Blinky, the vacuum cleaner, which has eyes on its body and a mouth on its vacuum hose. It can suck in any non-living object.

Now, while it seems funny and everything, Shizuku’s main attack with Blinky is that once her opponent starts bleeding, she asks Blinky to suck the blood until the opponent is dried up and every single drop of blood is sucked by Blinky. It has to be one of the most gruesome attacks in any anime I’ve watched.

5. Capture Cloth

Featured in: My Hero Academia

Creator: Kohei Horikoshi

Abilities: Captures enemy, made out of indestructible nano-fiber

Capture Cloth (or Capture Weapon, as sometimes it is referred to) is used by Shota Aizawa (Eraser Head) of My Hero Academia. The weapon is made up of carbon nanofiber, which makes it indestructible. No one can cut through the capture cloth, hence the name, Capture Weapon. Shoto Aizawa uses it as a scarf. Later, Aizawa trained Hitoshi Shinso to use The reason Shoto and Hitoshi have to use this scarf is due to the fact that their quirk is to deactivate others’ quirk and has no offensive power at all.

4. Killua’s Yo-Yos

Featured in: Hunter x Hunter

Creator: Yoshihiro Togashi

Abilities: Electricity creation, heavy weighted yo yos, super speed

The anime these yo-yos are from, “Hunter x Hunter,” is the master of weird weapons, but the yo-yo is just something else. The single yo-yo supposedly weighs 100 pounds and is made out of a special alloy. These yo yo can conduct electricity and are used by Killua to attack his enemies with the yo yo’s weight. Killua is so talented and creative with his use of Yo Yo that it is hard for his opponent to know how he is going to strike, and by the time they do, the 100-pound Yo Yo has already struck them in the chest.

3. Disciplinary Rulebooks

Featured in: Kill La Kill

Creator: Ryo Akizuki

Abilities: Heaviest object in the universe, can destroy everything that comes in its way due to its weight, filled with rules.

Of all the weapons on the list, this one is the funniest. It’s a rule book! That’s it—a rule book! In the anime Kill La Kill, Ira Gamagoori and his men attack a school, and their weapon of choice is this disciplinary book. Don’t underestimate the power of this book, by the way. The book is filled with the weight of rules that might seem light when thrown but can shatter through protective football gear on impact. The book is extremely heavy due to the weight of the rules, according to Ira Gamagoori.

2. Haruko’s Bass Guitar

Featured in: FLCL

Creator: Roger Rossmeisi

Abilities: Can kill monsters, turns into weapons, musical instrument

The guitar being on this list shouldn’t be surprising. Haruko uses these guitars in fights, to kill a monster, to fly, or even to use them like a chainsaw. The rarer the guitar, the more powerful it will be. Haruko obtains her guitars from the teenager’s N.O. portal. But that isn’t the weirdest part of FLCL, a must-watch anime, for sure.

1. Hyper-Density Seals

Featured in: My hero academia

Creator: Kohei Horikoshi

Abilities: Accurate strike rate, heavy weight seals, portable and can be carried in pocket.

Sir Nighteye is a salaryman whose quirk, just like Shoto Aizawa, isn’t suited for offensive fights. And that’s why Sir Nighteye uses these stamps that weigh 11 pounds each to attack. Nighteye carries around a dozen of these hyper-density seals, and he can strike his enemies with superhuman accuracy. These strikes are so accurate and powerful that they can send any opponent in front of Sir Nighteye.


Now, most of these weapons are too ridiculous for the real world, but they make sense in the story and in the universe they’re in. That’s what’s so great about anime: it can explore so much that other forms of media and art cannot. And it would make sense. Even though this list is not complete, I haven’t mentioned a pokeball or death note. There are so many items and weapons in the anime world that are so ridiculously strange and yet powerful.

And most importantly, they make sense; their existence adds to the value of the character, story, and universe. Many times, weapons such as Death Note are essential to the plot and drive the plot around. Anime is one of the best formats to do so—to be creative and explore various ideas.

Only in anime can you have a dog-gun dreaming of becoming a tank or a vacuum cleaner that sucks its opponent dry. Now, obviously, in the real world, half of these weapons aren’t useful or even impractical in some cases, but when you watch these anime, they make sense. All these weapons fit perfectly in the universe they’re part of without feeling like a weird, stupid mistake. And that’s the best part of anime.

FAQs: 10 Strangest Anime Weapons That Are Surprisingly Powerful

1. Which is the most powerful strange weapon in anime?

The strangest weapon has to be the Tuxedo Mask’s roses. Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon used to have roses as his weapon. Now, these roses looked normal but would slice through anything, and I mean anything.

2. Which is the worst weapon in anime?

The stupidest weapon in any anime to ever invent has to be the Kuwabara Spirit sword from Yu Yu Hakusho. Now don’t get me wrong. The weapon is cool and everything, but compared to others, it’s just boring.

3. Which is the most powerful weapon in anime?

Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is the most powerful weapon in anime history. Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann is bigger than the known universe and gets its power from the multiverse of energy. It can manipulate reality, time, space, matter, and existence itself.

4. Which is the weakest weapon in anime?

Kunai is from Naruto. In the Naruto universe, Kunai is the most basic weapon there is. And that is why it has to be the weakest weapon in any anime, especially when you compare how weak it is in its own universe.

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