10 MLOps Projects Ideas for beginners

Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) is a practice that aims to streamline the process of deploying machine learning models into production. It combines the principles of DevOps with the specific requirements of machine learning projects, ensuring that models are deployed quickly, reliably, and efficiently.

10 MLOps project ideas

In this article, we will explore 10 MLOps project ideas that you can implement to improve your machine learning workflow.

MLOps Projects Ideas

  • 1. MLOps Project Template Builder
  • 2. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) automation project
  • 3. Enhanced Project Tracking with Data Version Control (DVC)
  • 4. Interpretable AI: Enhancing Model Transparency
  • 5.Efficient ML Deployment: Accelerating Deployment with Docker and FastAPI
  • 6. End-to-End ML Pipeline Orchestration: Streamlining MLOps with MLflow
  • 7. Scalable ML Pipelines with Model Registries and Feature Stores
  • 8. Big Data Exploration with Dask for Scalable Computing
  • 9. Open-Source Chatbot Development with Rasa or Dialogflow
  • 10. Serverless Framework Implementation with Apache OpenWhisk or OpenFaaS

What is MLOps?

MLOps, short for Machine Learning Operations, is a set of practices and tools that aim to streamline the deployment, monitoring, and management of machine learning models in production. It combines aspects of DevOps, data engineering, and machine learning to create a seamless workflow for deploying and maintaining machine learning systems. It is a crucial practice that combines DevOps principles with machine learning requirements to deploy models efficiently. By implementing MLOps, organizations can improve the deployment, monitoring, and management of machine learning models.

MLOps Projects Ideas

Here we will be discussing 10 MLOps projects ideas that can help you to gain hands-on experience with various aspects of MLOps, from model deployment and monitoring to automation and governance of the projects.

1. MLOps Project Template Builder

The primary objective of this project is to streamline the setup and organization of MLOps projects. By using Cookiecutter, a template-based project structure generator, and Readme.so, a tool for creating high-quality README files, the project aims to improve the overall project management, code quality, and documentation of MLOps projects.

Procedure and Steps:

Install Cookiecutter:

  • Use `pip install cookiecutter` to install Cookiecutter.

Choose or Create a Cookiecutter Template:

  • Select an existing MLOps Cookiecutter template or create a custom one following Cookiecutter’s guidelines.

Generate a Project Using Cookiecutter:

  • Run `cookiecutter <path_to_your_cookiecutter_template>` to create a new project based on the chosen template.
  • Fill in the prompted values for project-specific information.

Initialize Git Repository:

  • Navigate to the project directory (`cd <your_project_directory>`) and initialize a Git repository (`git init`).

Set Up README Using Readme.so:

  • Choose a suitable README template on Readme.so and customize it for your project.
  • Copy the generated README markdown code.

Create README.md in Your Project:

  • Create a new file named `README.md` in your project directory and paste the markdown code from Readme.so.

Commit Changes to Git:

  • Add the `README.md` file to the staging area (`git add README.md`) and commit it (`git commit -m “Add README.md”`).

Update README.md as Needed:

  • Continuously update the README.md file as your project progresses, reflecting any changes or additions.

Tools Used:

  • Cookiecutter for template-based project structures, Readme.so for high-quality README files.

2. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) automation project

The objective of using Pandas Profiling and SweetViz for Streamlined Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) is to expedite the process of data quality assessment, visualization, and insights generation. By leveraging these libraries, the project aims to automate and simplify the EDA process, making it faster and more efficient.

Procedure and Steps:

Install Pandas Profiling and SweetViz:

  • Use `pip install pandas-profiling sweetviz` to install both libraries.

Load Data and Perform EDA with Pandas Profiling:

  • Use Pandas to load your dataset.
  • Use Pandas Profiling to generate a comprehensive report on the dataset, including summary statistics, data types, missing values, and correlations.

Generate Visualizations with SweetViz:

  • Use SweetViz to generate visualizations for better understanding of the dataset.
  • SweetViz provides visualizations such as histograms, bar charts, scatter plots, and correlation matrices.

Interpret Results and Gain Insights:

  • Analyze the Pandas Profiling report and SweetViz visualizations to identify patterns, outliers, and relationships in the data.
  • Use these insights to make informed decisions about data cleaning, feature engineering, and modeling.

Tools Used:

  • Pandas Profiling: A library for generating detailed EDA reports for a dataset.
  • SweetViz: A library for generating visualizations to aid in EDA and data exploration.

3. Enhanced Project Tracking with Data Version Control (DVC)

The objective of implementing Data Version Control (DVC) for tracking projects is to enhance the management of data within continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), continuous testing (CT), and continuous monitoring (CM) pipelines. By leveraging DVC, the project aims to track data provenance, ensure reproducibility of experiments, and maintain the integrity and traceability of data throughout the development lifecycle.

Procedure and Steps:

Install DVC:

  • Use `pip install dvc` to install DVC.

Initialize DVC in Your Project:

  • Navigate to your project directory and run `dvc init` to initialize DVC.

Track Data with DVC:

  • Use `dvc add <data_file>` to track data files in your project.
  • This command creates a corresponding `.dvc` file that tracks the data’s metadata and enables versioning.

Commit Changes to DVC:

  • After adding data files, commit the changes to DVC using `dvc commit`.
  • This captures the current state of the data files and records it in the DVC repository.

Versioning Data with DVC:

  • Use `dvc push` to push tracked data files to a remote storage location.
  • This ensures that data versions are stored centrally and accessible to team members.

Integrate DVC into CI/CD/CT/CM Pipelines:

  • Modify your CI/CD/CT/CM pipelines to incorporate DVC commands for data versioning and management.
  • Use DVC commands such as `dvc pull` to retrieve data versions as needed during pipeline execution.

Monitor Data Provenance and Reproducibility:

  • Utilize DVC commands and functionality to monitor data provenance and ensure reproducibility of experiments.
  • Track changes to data files over time and maintain a record of data transformations and preprocessing steps.

Tools Used:

  • DVC (Data Version Control): A tool for managing data versioning, tracking, and reproducibility within projects.

4. Interpretable AI: Enhancing Model Transparency

The objective of employing Explainable AI (XAI) libraries like SHAP, LIME, and SHAPASH is to gain insights into the decision-making process of machine learning models. By using these libraries, the project aims to improve the transparency, trustworthiness, and interpretability of the models, making them more understandable to stakeholders and end-users.

Procedure and Steps:

Install SHAP, LIME, and SHAPASH:

  • Use `pip install shap lime shapash` to install the required libraries.

Load and Prepare Your Model:

  • Load your trained machine learning model into your Python environment.
  • Prepare the data that you want to explain using the model.

Use `explainer.explain_instance(data_row, model.predict, num_features=num)` to explain a specific data instance.

Tools Used:

  • SHAP (SHapley Additive exPlanations): A library for explaining individual predictions of machine learning models.
  • LIME (Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations): A library for explaining individual predictions of machine learning models.
  • SHAPASH (SHapley Additive exPlanations for Automated Statistical Hypothesis generation): A library for interactive visualization of model explanations.

5.Efficient ML Deployment: Accelerating Deployment with Docker and FastAPI

The objective of deploying ML projects in minutes with Docker and FastAPI is to gain proficiency in containerization using Docker and API development with FastAPI. By leveraging these tools, the project aims to achieve rapid and efficient deployment of machine learning models as production-ready APIs, enabling easy scalability, portability, and maintainability.

Procedure and Steps:

Install Docker:

  • Install Docker on your machine by following the instructions for your operating system from the official Docker documentation.

Containerize Your ML Model with Docker:

  • Create a Dockerfile in your project directory with instructions to build your Docker image.
  • Use `docker build -t <image_name>` . to build your Docker image.

Run Your Docker Container:

  • Use `docker run -d -p <host_port>:<container_port> <image_name>` to run your Docker container in detached mode, mapping the host port to the container port.

Install FastAPI:

  • Use `pip install fastapi uvicorn` to install FastAPI and Uvicorn, the ASGI server for running FastAPI applications.

Develop Your FastAPI Application:

  • Create a FastAPI application in your project directory, defining API endpoints for your machine learning model.
  • Implement logic to load your ML model and make predictions.

Run Your FastAPI Application:

Use `uvicorn <module_name>:<app_name> –host –port <api_port>` to run your FastAPI application, specifying the host and port for the API.

Test Your API:

  • Use tools like Postman or curl to test your API endpoints and ensure they are functioning correctly.

Deploy Your Dockerized FastAPI Application:

  • Push your Docker image to a container registry (e.g., Docker Hub) for deployment.
  • Deploy your Dockerized FastAPI application to a production environment using a container orchestration tool like Kubernetes or Docker Swarm.

Tools Used:

  • Docker: A platform for building, shipping, and running applications in containers.
  • FastAPI: A modern web framework for building APIs with Python, known for its speed and ease of use.

6. End-to-End ML Pipeline Orchestration: Streamlining MLOps with MLflow

The objective of building an end-to-end machine learning pipeline with MLflow is to utilize MLflow’s capabilities to orchestrate and manage the entire machine learning lifecycle. This includes data versioning, model training, experiment tracking, and deployment. By leveraging MLflow, the project aims to streamline MLOps workflows and improve the overall efficiency and reproducibility of machine learning projects.

Procedure and Steps:

Install MLflow:

  • Install MLflow using `pip install mlflow`.

Initialize MLflow Tracking:

  • Initialize MLflow tracking in your project by using `mlflow.start_run()`.

Define Your Machine Learning Pipeline:

  • Define the different stages of your machine learning pipeline, including data preprocessing, model training, evaluation, and deployment.

Package Your Model Using MLflow Models:

  • Use `mlflow.sklearn.log_model()` (for scikit-learn models) or `mlflow.pyfunc.log_model()` (for generic Python models) to log and save your trained model as an MLflow model.

Register Your Model:

  • Use `mlflow.register_model()` to register your model in the MLflow model registry for future reference and deployment.

Deploy Your Model:

  • Use the MLflow deployment tools or integrations to deploy your model to a production environment, such as a cloud service or an on-premises server.

Track and Monitor Your Pipeline:

  • Continuously track and monitor your pipeline using MLflow’s tracking capabilities to ensure reproducibility and monitor performance over time.

Tools Used:

  • MLflow: An open-source platform for managing the end-to-end machine learning lifecycle, including experimentation, reproducibility, and deployment.

7. Scalable ML Pipelines with Model Registries and Feature Stores

The objective of implementing model registries and feature stores in production-ready ML pipelines is to effectively manage models, features, and their versions in production environments. By using tools like MLflow Model Registry, Metaflow, Feast, and Hopsworks, the project aims to streamline model deployment, versioning, and feature management, improving the scalability, reliability, and maintainability of ML pipelines.

Procedure and Steps:

Install and Configure Model Registries and Feature Stores:

  • Install and set up MLflow Model Registry (or Metaflow) for model management.
  • Install and set up Feast (or Hopsworks) for feature management.

Register and Manage Models with MLflow Model Registry:

  • Use MLflow Model Registry to register trained models and track their versions.
  • Use the MLflow UI or API to manage model versions, including staging, production, and archival.

Manage Features with Feast (or Hopsworks):

  • Use Feast (or Hopsworks) to define, store, and manage features for your machine learning models.
  • Define feature sets, versions, and storage locations using Feast (or Hopsworks) APIs or UI.

Integrate Models and Features into ML Pipelines:

  • Integrate registered models from MLflow Model Registry into your production ML pipelines.
  • Use Feast (or Hopsworks) to retrieve and incorporate features into your ML model predictions.

Monitor and Track Model and Feature Performance:

  • Use the monitoring and tracking capabilities of MLflow Model Registry and Feast (or Hopsworks) to monitor model and feature performance in production.
  • Monitor model drift, feature quality, and other metrics to ensure model reliability and accuracy.

Tools Learned:

  • MLflow Model Registry (or Metaflow): A tool for managing and versioning machine learning models in production.
  • Feast (or Hopsworks): A feature store for managing and serving machine learning features in production.

8. Big Data Exploration with Dask for Scalable Computing

The objective of exploring big data with Dask is to efficiently analyze and process large datasets using parallel computing and distributed processing capabilities. By leveraging Dask, a Python library designed for scalable computing, the project aims to handle big data tasks that are not feasible with traditional single-machine computing.

Procedure and Steps:

Install Dask:

  • Install Dask using `pip install dask`.

Load and Prepare Your Big Data:

  • Use Dask to load your large dataset into a Dask dataframe or array.
  • Use Dask’s parallel processing capabilities to perform data preprocessing and cleaning tasks.

Explore and Analyze Your Data:

  • Use Dask’s high-level collections (e.g., Dask dataframe, Dask array) to explore and analyze your data.
  • Utilize Dask’s parallel computing capabilities to perform operations such as filtering, grouping, and aggregation on your dataset.

Visualize Your Data:

  • Use Dask’s integration with visualization libraries like Matplotlib, Seaborn, or Plotly to create visualizations of your data.
  • Visualize summary statistics, distributions, and patterns in your dataset.

Scale Your Analysis:

  • Use Dask’s ability to scale across multiple cores or machines to handle larger datasets or increase processing speed.
  • Utilize Dask’s distributed scheduler to distribute tasks across a cluster of machines for even greater scalability.

Tools Used:

  • Dask: A Python library for parallel computing and distributed processing, designed to scale from single machines to large clusters for big data analysis

9. Open-Source Chatbot Development with Rasa or Dialogflow

The objective of building and deploying a chatbot using open-source frameworks like Rasa or Dialogflow is to create a conversational agent capable of interacting with users through natural language processing (NLP) capabilities. By leveraging these frameworks, the project aims to develop a functional chatbot and deploy it for real-world usage, improving user engagement and providing automated support.

Procedure and Steps:

Choose a Framework:

  • Decide whether to use Rasa or Dialogflow based on your project requirements and familiarity with the frameworks.

Install the Chosen Framework:

  • Install Rasa using `pip install rasa` or set up Dialogflow using the Google Cloud Platform.

Design Your Chatbot:

  • Define the purpose and scope of your chatbot, including the types of conversations it will handle and the user interactions it will support.

Develop the Chatbot’s Dialogue Flow:

  • Use the framework’s tools and APIs to design the chatbot’s dialogue flow, including intents, entities, and responses.

Integrate NLP Capabilities:

  • Train the chatbot’s NLP model using sample conversations and data to improve its understanding and response accuracy.

Test Your Chatbot:

  • Test the chatbot’s functionality and responses using sample conversations and real-user interactions.

Deploy Your Chatbot:

  • Deploy your chatbot to a platform or service where it can interact with users, such as a website, messaging app, or customer support platform.

Monitor and Improve Your Chatbot:

  • Continuously monitor your chatbot’s performance and user feedback to identify areas for improvement.
  • Update and enhance your chatbot’s capabilities based on user interactions and feedback.

Tools Used:

  • Rasa: An open-source framework for developing conversational AI chatbots with NLP capabilities.
  • Dialogflow: Google’s natural language understanding platform for building conversational interfaces, including chatbots.

10. Serverless Framework Implementation with Apache OpenWhisk or OpenFaaS

The objective of implementing a serverless framework with Apache OpenWhisk or OpenFaaS is to explore serverless computing architecture and its benefits. By using these frameworks, the project aims to understand how to deploy serverless functions and leverage the scalability and cost-effectiveness of serverless computing.

Procedure and Steps:

Choose a Serverless Framework:

  • Decide whether to use Apache OpenWhisk or OpenFaaS based on your project requirements and familiarity with the frameworks.

Install and Set Up the Chosen Framework:

  • Install Apache OpenWhisk or set up OpenFaaS according to the framework’s documentation.

Develop Serverless Functions:

  • Write serverless functions in the programming language supported by the framework (e.g., JavaScript, Python, Go).
  • Define the entry points and logic for your serverless functions.

Deploy Serverless Functions:

  • Use the framework’s command-line interface (CLI) or web interface to deploy your serverless functions.
  • Specify any dependencies or configurations required for your functions.

Test Your Serverless Functions:

Test your serverless functions locally using the framework’s testing tools or by invoking them through the framework’s API.

Monitor and Scale Your Functions:

  • Monitor the performance and usage of your serverless functions using the framework’s monitoring tools.
  • Scale your functions automatically or manually based on the workload using the framework’s scaling capabilities.

Tools Used:

  • Apache OpenWhisk: An open-source serverless computing platform for building and deploying serverless functions.
  • OpenFaaS: An open-source serverless framework for building and deploying serverless functions, with a focus on ease of use and flexibility.


In conclusion, In this article explored 10 MLOps project ideas, including streamlining project setup with Cookiecutter and Readme.so, expediting data analysis with Pandas Profiling and SweetViz, and enhancing data version control with DVC. Additionally, it covered explainable AI with SHAP, LIME, and SHAPASH, deploying ML projects with Docker and FastAPI, building ML pipelines with MLflow, and implementing model registries and feature stores.

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