10 Magic Phrases To Use in Online Meetings

Meetings have been a crucial component of an organization’s workflow for ages. Meetings allow individuals to streamline tasks and complete them efficiently. But since the onset of the pandemic, physical meetings have transitioned into an online mode and video meetings have become mainstream. Communication has also evolved accordingly, but the fundamentals stay the same.

Effective communication is one of the key foundational elements to success in the corporate environment. It is important to make connections, comprehend objectives, convey information, share thoughts, provide guidance, take guidance, and many other things. Communication bridges the gap between the employees and the management of an association. Improving communication skills can make you more expressive and can help your message come through more clearly.

Listed below are the top 10 phrases you can use to take your communication to the next level during virtual meetings.

1. Help Me Prioritize My Tasks

You’re on the verge of completing the very first task of your day when suddenly your manager schedules a virtual meeting and bombards you with another task. Of course, you can’t refuse it directly, but what’s the most appropriate response you can give? You could say, “I already have too many tasks to work on, so please help me prioritize them”. This simple magic phrase allows you to focus on the most important task while buying you an adequate amount of time to complete the other tasks. This also shows that you’re humble and willing to work on the extra task without complaining about it.

2. What Do You Think? 

People love to share their opinions and thoughts whenever they’re given an opportunity to do so. When you allow the other party to speak, it shows that you care about the person’s suggestions. “What do you think?” makes the other person look at your situation from a different angle, and you may receive some great recommendations at times.

3. Can You Repeat It Please? I’ll Note It Down

Taking notes can help you avoid the most obvious mistakes that may later consume a large chunk of your time. While on the call, whenever your senior talks about something important, you should take note of it. If you miss what he or she says, you can ask the person to repeat it. It shows that you’re more attentive and committed to your responsibility than others. It also helps you work efficiently as you understand what your manager is expecting.

4. Let Me Be Straightforward

This phrase should be used especially when your junior fails to deliver on what he or she has promised, or in any other similar situation. When you say this phrase, you’re eliminating all the fluff and getting straight to the point without beating around the bush. This phrase signifies honesty, sets expectations, and shows that you don’t wish to waste anyone’s time. You’re firmly and respectfully telling the other party that not everything you have to say will be easy to listen to, but it is a critical matter to be discussed.

5. How Can I Contribute? 

People become grateful towards you when you provide selfless help while building affinity. When you use this magic phrase with the intention of helping the person lessen his or her burden, the person feels grateful. Even though you shouldn’t expect the person to help you the next time you’re stuck in a similar situation, it’s very likely that the person is going to lend you a helping hand.

6. What’s The Checklist? 

Using checklists is indisputably one of the most productive methods to complete tasks without resistance. When you ask your senior or manager for a checklist, it gives you a glimpse of what the person is seeking in your work. Asking for a checklist will also indicate how dedicated you are with regard to your work.

7. I Followed Your Suggestions And They Worked Really Well

As alluded to above, people love to give opinions and suggestions as it makes them feel important. But people become a lot happier when someone implements their suggestions (and perhaps ten times happier when it produces results). If you implement your boss’s suggestion, make sure that you let him or her know that you’ve implemented it. It’ll almost assuredly put a smile on the person’s face. 

8. That Sounds Good, But What If.…

You and your colleagues (or seniors) are in a brainstorming session for a marketing campaign. In the session, someone recommends an idea that you think is not good. How would you put forth your opinion in a way that you don’t offend the other party while conveying your thoughts? In this scenario, you can say, “That sounds good, but what if our campaign faces these challenges due to this (provide a pragmatic reason)?” Begin with appreciation and provide a concrete reason to the person(s) who could jeopardize the success of your project.

9. No! 

This might come off as a surprise, but sometimes saying no can actually make you sound more confident. Of course, you’re not going to deny everything that comes your way. But in certain cases, saying “no” respectfully tells others that you’re firm on your decision. It also implies that you would rather not do the work than promising it falsely, which might make the other individual frustrated. In addition, saying no and refraining from doing specific things prevents you from being stretched, and you’re probably going to have more spare time for yourself.

10. Thanks For Flagging

Let’s say, for instance, that you made a small mistake and your senior just made you aware of it. You’d probably apologize by saying something like, “I’m sorry!” Obviously, there’s nothing wrong with this phrase, and you must apologize if you’ve made a mistake. But instead of saying “I’m sorry, ” you can say, “Thanks for flagging.” This magic phrase not only communicates your apology to your manager but also appreciates the person for pointing it out, showing a very positive reaction to criticism.

We hope that you’ll use a couple of these phrases the next time you’re in an online meeting. It’ll definitely refine your overall image and make you more likable. Share it with someone who needs to read these phrases and make the person aware that communication is important and can be enhanced easily.

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